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Chapter 4 - Cognition, Intelligence & Memory

Cognitive Load Extent to which our mind is engaged in controlled processing - the more load,less capable of thinking
Stroop Effect An automatic process interferes with a controlled process.
Motivation Determines Allocation The importance of information determines what proportion of your available resources will be consumed about it. (running from bear, won't care about digestion)
Cocktail Party Effect At a party, you all of a sudden hear your name. Your brain was subconsciously eavesdropping the whole time, but nothing was important until your name was called. You then shift your attention.
Heuristics Mental shortcuts that help us make decisions quickly and with minimal cognitive effort.
Availability Heuristic The easier to think of instances of something, the more often that thing occurs.
Representatives Heuristic Which category does this instance best represent? Judgement about which category something belongs in.
Confirmation Bias We tend to look for information that supports what we already believe to be true. If we agree, it's a fact.
Metacognition Thinking about thinking
Comparative Cognition Refers to the study of thought processes among a number of different species
Intelligence Smartness
G Factor General intelligence - core level of intelligence that underlies all other specific abilities.
Howard Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences Verbal/Linguistic Logical/Mathematical Spatial/Visual Bodily/Kinesthetic Musical Interpersonal/consider moods o others Intrapersonal/self aware Naturalist/Animal recognition Existential/deep qs
Emotion Intelligence Ability to regulate self and work effectively with others
Declarative Memories Specific facts you can recall: Semantic - discrete facts - meaning, state caps Episodic - specific events - concert
Procedural Memories Sequence of cog-behavioral action stored in a more subconscious form. tying a shoe.
Primacy/Recency Effect More likely to remember the first items last items
Icomic Ecoic Look up sensory, short term, & long term Memories
Scripts Sequence of behaviors that we engage in. sequences of someone asking you "come lets watch a new movie", stored & retrived
Schemas Groups of information that are linked together because they're somehow related. Zoo - animals, enclosure, school trip experience
Stereotypes Sets of beliefs that we have about a particular social group
Priming A stimulus that activates a related concept - activates subconsciously other related schemas (perfume)
State dependent memory If you experience something in one psychological state, may be hard to recall in another state.
Decay Dissolvation of information over time and is lost forever if not accessed readily.
Interference Hard to encode information correctly or to recall it efficiently because the brain is procession something else at the same time. (attack by kids as u put you keys down, wont remember later where)
Insufficient priming Memory stored correctly but not enough activation to locate it and move it from long term to short term memory. (Going through letters of alphabet to remember one's name)
Disorganization Information stored but cant find due to some error in manner the information was organized in storage. Hard to access. Something popping in your head all of a sudden.
Retrograde Amnesia Inability to remember things prior to the onset of memory loss. The Borne Identity.
Anterograde Amnesia Inability to form new memories, even though memories from the past remain intact. Alzheimers, remember past.
Created by: ybekele
Popular Psychology sets




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