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Physical Geography

For Physical Geography 103 UNLV

the process for plants to use carbon dioxide, light, and water to make carbohydrates and oxygen photosynthesis
The most important factor that explains the aridity of the LARGEST areas of deserts in the world, as a whole, is the fairly continuous presence of settling air from high pressure cells
greatest distance between the earth and the sun in earth’s orbit around the sun aphelion
horizontal transfer of heat within the earth’s atmosphere advection
the atmosphere layer that absorbs most of the ultraviolet rays and safeguards life at Earth’s surface. ozonosphere
Parallels of latitude cross meridians at right angles
The approximate “true” location of Las Vegas is: 36 degrees N latitude / 115 degrees W longitude
Maximum latitude is 90N 90S
not a green house gas CFC
The surface air, after being heated by conduction and radiation Expands in volume and decreases in density
As the temperature of a parcel of air increases, its ability to hold water vapor increases
On December 22, the vertical rays of the sun strike: the Tropic of Capricorn (23 ½ degrees S latitude)
The type of front formed by the merger of a cold front and a warm front (neither moves) is called an stationary front
Which of the following is not a mechanism to cause precipitation: inversion mechanism (a layer of cool air is trapped on surface by the warm air)
Which has the least influence on the climate of United States continental tropical air mass
Temperatures at the Antarctic are often below -50°C in July. Which thermometer is the right one to use? Alcohol thermometer
A cloudy night is _____ a clear night warmer than
Mid-latitude cyclones: usually move across North America from west to east
In the midwest of the United States, record-setting cold temperatures often result when a __________ air mass invades the region cA (Continental arctic)
Closely spaced isobars on a map indicate Strong pressure gradient
The direction of land and sea breezes is From land by night
The process by which plants give up moisture to the air is: transpiration
A cloud type formed by strong convection currents is Cumulonimbus
Created by: 1418571523
Popular Science sets




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