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Asia Unit Test

Hinduism: Vedas a set of sacred texts
Hinduism: Caste system people were born into a level of society that determined their jobs and social class
Hinduism: untouchables lowest caste, people who are considered unclean, live separate from other castes
Hinduism: Atman the part of Brahman, or universal soul, that is in everyone and everything
Hinduism: Brahma Creator God
Hinduism: Vishnu Preserver God
Hinduism: Shiva Destroyer God
Hinduism: samsara the belief in the cycle of birth, life, death and rebirth
Hinduism: Dharma duty, doing your responsibilities in life
Hinduism: karma the belief that what you do in this life determines how good your next life is (including your caste)
Hinduism: moksha like enlightenment, the freedom from samsara (the cycle of birth, life, death and rebirth)because you have learned all the lessons that life has to teach you
reincarnation the belief that when someone dies, he or she will be born again (both Hindus and Buddhists believe this)
"awakened one" Buddah
Siddhartha Gautama Prince who became Buddah
Buddhism: Goal enlightenment,
Buddhism: Four Noble Truths 1. life is suffering, 2. suffering is caused by desire, 3. suffering is ended when you stop wanting things like power, 4. to stop wanting things follow the eight fold path
Buddhism: Eightfold Path 1 know the truth, 2 resist evil, 3 don't say anything to hurt others 4 respect life, property, & morality 5 work at a job that does not injure others 6 try to free your mind from evil 7 be in control of your feelings & thoughts 8 practice concentration
Daoism: How is happiness achieved? Living in harmony with nature
Laozi founder of Daoism
Dao De Jing book that preached a return to a simple and natural way of living
Dao "the way", the force that gives order to the universe
Daoism: yin and yang the believe in balancing opposites
Mountain range of Mt. Everest Himalayas
Mt. Everest superlative world's tallest mountain
globalization the development of a global, or worldwide, society in which people, money, information, and goods flow fairly freely across national borders
free trade the flow of goods and services across national borders, with little or no government control (no taxes)
tariff a tax on goods that cross country borders
multinational corporation a large company that has operations in more than one country
economic interdependence a condition in which countries have strong economic ties and depend on each other for resources, technology, trade, and investment
distribution the way people or things are spread out over an area or a space; also the way resources, power, or goods are divided among people or groups
offshoring the practice of basing some of a company's processes or services overseas, so as to take advantage of lower costs.
outsourcing companies send jobs to other countries to be completed by cheap labor
sweatshop foreign manufacturer with unsafe working conditions, long hours and low wages. Work is often completed by women and children.
population density the average number of people who live in a unit of area, such as a square mile. Population density measures how crowded an area is.
population distribution where people live in a country, whether crowded together in cities or spread out across the countryside
arithmetic population density the population of a country divided by its total land area
physiologic population density the population of a country divided by its arable land area
commute time the amount of time spent traveling to and from work
arable land land suitable for growing crops
terracing the creation of flat areas on mountain slopes for the purpose of farming
Created by: 609798011
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