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Ch. 24-27 Vocabulary
Term | Definition |
Sahel | The region in Africa just south of the Sahara. |
Colonialism | The system by which countries set up colonies to secure sources of raw materials and markets for their products. |
Plateau | An area of high,flat land. |
Escarpment | A steep cliff that separates two level areas of differing elevations. |
Chaparral | A type of natural vegetation that is adapted to Mediterranean climates; small evergreen trees and low bushes, or scrub. |
Savanna | A tropical grassland with scattered trees, located in the warm lands near the equator. |
Oral History | History Passed down by word of mouth. |
Nomadic Herding | The practice of moving flocks to different pastures throughout the year. |
Leaching | The dissolving and washing away for nutrients in the soil. |
Land Degradation | Reduction in the productive potential of the land. |
Population Density | The average number of people living in a given area. |
Delta | The land that forms at the mouth of some rivers by soil that is dropped as the river slows and enters the sea. |
Fellaheen | Egyptian peasants (sing. fellah). |
Sandstorm | A windstorm that blows hot air, dust, and grit. |
Bazaar | An open- air market; a street lined with shops and stalls. |
Basin Irrigation | In Egypt, a system by which water and silt were controlled by embankments and time released to irrigate farmlands. |
Reservoir | A natural or artificial lake used to collect water for human needs. |
Perennial Irrigation | An irrigation system that provides necessary water to the land throughout the year. |
Capital | Wealth in the form of money or property owned or used in business. |
Wadi | A usually dry riverbed or gully that temporarily holds water from a sudden downpour. |
Caravan | A large group of merchants who join together to travel in safety. |
Souk | A market in an arab community. |
Shifting Agriculture | The practice of farming a site until the soil is exhausted, then moving on to a new site. |
Forage | Food for grazing animals. |
Deforestation | The process of stripping the land of its leaved during one season. |
Desertification | The transformation of arable land into desert either naturally or through human intervention. |
Refugee | A person who flees his or her country to escape danger or unfair treatment. |
Landlocked | Almost or entirely surrounded by land; cut off from the sea. |
Inland Delta | An area of lakes, creeks, and swamps away from the ocean. |
Coup | The sudden overthrow of a ruler or government often involving violent force or the threat of force. |
Ancestor Worship | The belief that respecting and honoring ones ancestors will cause them to live on in the spirit world after death. |
Animism | The religious belief that such things as the sky, rivers, and trees contain gods pr spirits. |
World Bank | An agency of the united nations that provides loans to countries for development projects. |
International Monetary Fund | An agency of the united nations that provides loans to countries for development projects. |
Structural Adjustment Program | A program to reform the structure of an economy. |
Watershed | A dividing ridge between two basins. |
Mercenary | A professional soldier hired by a foreign country. |
Barter | The exchange of goods without money. |
Harambee | A policy of cooperation adopted in kenya after independence to encourage economic growth. |
Pyrethrum | A pesticide produced from certain flowers. |
Malnutrition | Disease caused by a lack of food or an unbalanced diet. |
Strategic Value | Importance of a place or thing for nations planning military actions. |
Ethnocracy | A system of government in which one ethnic group rules over others. |
Villagization | A political movement by which rural people are forced to move to towns and work on collective farms. |
Apartheid | Formerly in the republic of south africa,the policy of strict racial segregation. |
Segregation | The separation of the races. |
Sanction | An action taken by the international community to punish a country for unacceptable behaviors. |
Enclave | A country completely surrounded by another country. |
White Flight | The departure of white people from a region. |
land Redistribution | A policy by which land is taken from those who own large amounts and redistributed to those who have little or none. |