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chapter 24
chapter24 25vocabulary
Term | Definition |
sahel | the region in africa just south of the sahara |
colonialism | the system by wich countries set up colomoes to secure secures raw materials and markets for their prodicts |
plateau | an area if high flat land |
escarpment | a steep cliff that separates two level areas of diffrering elecations |
chaparral | a type of natural vegtation that is adapted to mediterranean climates small evergreen trees and low bishes or scrub |
savanna | a tropoical frasslamnd with scatered trees located in the warm lands near the equator |
oral history | history passed down by word of mouth |
nomadic herding | the practive of moving flocks to diffrent pastures thought the year |
leaching | the dissolving and washing away nutrients in the soil |
land degradation | reduction in the productive potential of the land |
delta | the land that forms at the mouth of some river by that is droed as the river slows and enters the sea |
sandstorms | a windstorm that blows hot air dust and grit |
bazzar | an open air market a street lind with shops and stalls |
basin irrigation | in egypt a system by wich water and silt were controlled by embakments and time released to irrigate farmlands |
reservoir | a natrural or artifical lake used to colect water |
perennial irrigation | an rrigation system that provides necessary water to te land troughtout the year |
capital | wealth in the form of money or property owned or used in usiness |
fellaheen | egyptian peasants |
wadi | a usually dry riverbed or gully that temporarily holds water from a sudden downpour |
caravan | a large group of merchants who join together to travel in safety |
medina | the old section of a north african city isually centered around a mosque |
souk | a market in an arab coumminty |
shifting agriculture | the practice of farming a site intill the soil is exhausted them moving on to a new site |
forage | food for grazing animals |
deforestation | the striping the land of its trees |
refugee | a person who flees his or her country to escape danger or unfair treatment |
LANDLOCK | srueounnded by land |
inland delta | an area of lakes creeks and swamos away from the ocean |
international monetary fund | an agency of the united nations that provides loans to countries for development project |
structural adjustment program | a program to reform the structure of an economy |
world bank | an agency of the united nations that provides loans to countries for development projects |
watershed | a dividin ridge between two basins |
mercenary | a professional soldier hired by a goreign country |
barter | the exchange of goods wiht out money |
harambee | a policy of cooperation adopted n kenya after indepedence to encourage economic growth |
pyrethrum | a pesticide produced from ertain flowers |
malnutrition | disease caused by a lack of food or an unbalanced diet |
strategic value | importane of a place or thing for nations planning military actions |
ethnocaracy | a system of government in wich one ethnic group rules over others |
villagization | a political movement by wich rural people are fources to move to towns and work on collective farms |
apartheid | formely in the republic of sound africa the polic of strict racial segregation |
segregation | the separation of the races |
sanction | an action by the international behaviors |
enclave | a country completely surrounded by another country |
white fight | the departure of white people from a region |
land redistribution | a policy by wich land is taken form those who own large amounts and redostronuted to those who hae littiel or none |
coup | the sudden overtrow of a rler or government often involing violent forve or the threat of force |
ancestor worship | the belif that respectin and honoring ones ancestors will cause them to live on in the spirit world after death |
animism | the religous belief that such things as the sky rivers and trees contain gods or sprits |