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CSC 150

Lesson 7 Arrays

Simple data type use single memory cell to store a variable
Data Structure A composite of related data items stored under the same name
Array A collection of data items of the same type
Array element A data item that is part of an array
Subscripted variable A variable followed by a subscript in brackets, designating an array element
Array script A value or expression enclosed in brackets after the array name, specifying which array element to access
Pop remove the top element of a stack
Push insert a new element at the top of the stack
Parallel arrays two or more arrays with the same number of elements used for storing related information about a collection of data objects
Enumerated type a data type whose list of values is specified by the programmer in a type declaration
Enumeration constant an identifier that is one of the values of an enumerated type
Multidimensional array an array with two or more dimensions
Seed seed for a random number generator. An initial value used in the computation of the first random number.
Recursive function function that calls itself or that is part of a cycle in the sequence of function calls
Simple case problem case for which a straightforward solution is known
Activation frame representation of one call to a function
terminating condition a condition that is true when a recursive algorithm is processing a simple case
stack a data structure in which the last data item added is the first data item processed
system stack area of memory where parameters and local variables are allocated when a function is called and deallocated when the function returns
pointer or pointer variable A memory cell that stores the address of a data item.
Indirect reference Accessing the contents of a memory cell through a pointer variable that stores its address
sorting rearranging data in a particular sequence (increasing or decreasing)
scope of a name the region in a program where a particular meaning of a name is visible
stub a skeleton function that consists of a header and statements that display trace messages and assign values to output parameters; enables testing of the flow of control among functions before this function is completed
top-down testing the process of testing flow of control between a main function and its subordinate functions
unit test a test of an individual function
bottom-up testing the process of separately testing individual functions of a program system
system integration tests testing a system after replacing all its stubs with functions that have been pretested
Created by: milankc1991
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