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Uneven Heating

5th Grade Earth Science

What are the most important forms of energy coming from the Sun? heat and light
What two events can occur when light from the Sun hits matter on Earth? light is either reflected or absorbed by the matter
What happens when light is absorbed? the matter hit by the light gains energy, or takes in the energy given to it by the Sun
What happens to the temperature of matter when it absorbs energy? the temperature of matter increases
List the 4 variables that affect the temperature change of a material. 1) length of exposure 2) intensity of solar energy 3) color of material 4) properties of material
What does length of exposure mean? How does this affect the temperature of a material? how long the Sun shines on an object; longer exposure causes an increase in temperature
What does intensity of solar energy mean? How does it affect the temperature of a material? how concentrated the energy is; greater intensity leads to an increase in temperature
Which absorbs more solar energy, darker colors or lighter colors? darker colors
Which heats up more quickly, soil or water? soil
You go to the beach on a cloudless day, which means the sun provides an equal or unequal amount of intensity on the beach. equal
On a cloudless day, sand, asphalt, and seawater are subjected to the same intensity of solar energy. List these 3 forms of matter from greatest to least in temperature. asphalt, sand, water
Why are asphalt, sand, and water different temperatures when they are receiving the same intensity of sunlight? Asphalt is a dark color, therefore it absorbs heat and becomes warmer on hot days. Sand is a lighter color than asphalt and absorbs much less heat, making it cooler. Water absorbs energy but stays cool because it takes longer to heat than most matter.
The temperature of Earth's Surface is/ is not the same everywhere. is not
Land gets ____er than water in the sunshine. Land gets ____er than water when the Sun goes down. hotter, colder
Land heats up and cools off _______, while water heats up and cools down ______. rapidly, slowly
Which parts of Earth are cooler and which are warmer? Why? The tropics (at the equator) are warmer because the sun's rays hit this part of Earth directly. The poles (North and South Poles) are cooler because the rest of the Sun's rays hit the poles at an angle, making these areas cooler.
Define solar energy energy from the sun provided through heat and light
Define reflection Energy that bounces off an object and continues in a new direction.
Define uneven heating The result of different amounts of energy being transferred to adjacent surfaces.
Created by: 1353475628
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