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Newborn Transition

this squeeze, helps playa role in stimulating lung expansion. vaginal squeeze
this substance found the lungs of mature fetuses,keeps the alveoli from collapsing after they first expand. surfactant
the lack of this substance in the lungs increases the work it takes to breathe and can cause exhaustion quickly. surfactant
the first pulse taken, that determines if the baby can stay with his mom or must go to specialty nursery is taken where at the base of the umbilical cord once it is clamped off
what is critical for the newborn to do (respiratory wise) in the first few moments of life? show strong signs of breathing...strong crying
because of the reversal of pressure in the right and left atria, what is caused to close allowing redirection of blood flow to the lungs foramen ovale
what also closes, allowing nutrient-rich blood from the gut to circulate through the newborn's liver? ductus venosus
process by which the body balances heat production with heat loss to maintain adequate temperature thermoregulation
exposure to temperatures cooler than normal body temperature so that the newborn must use energy to maintain heat cold stress
cold stress can lead to what type of distress respiratory distress
this specialized form of heat-producing tissue found in fetuses and newborns; located at nape of neck, armpits, between the shoulder blades, along the abdominal aorta, around the kidneys and sternum and once gone brown fat
neonatal blood glucose levels drop to 50 mL/dL or lower neonatal hypoglycemia
these risk factor during the pregnancy increases the risk that the newborn will develop what, when: gestational hypertension, maternal diabetes, prolonged labor, fetal distress during labor, Ritodrine or terbutaline given to mother. hypoglycemia
intrauterine growth restriction, macrosomia, lg for gestation age or too small; prematurity, postmaturity, respiratory or cardiovascular depression requiring resuscitation...are all risk for that the neonatal can get what? hypoglycemia
high levels of unconjugated bilirubin in the bloodstream (4-6mg/dL and greater) hyperbilirubinemia
the newborn's gut is sterile and cannot yet produce this, so they are given vitamin K IM after birth to prevent hemorrhages. vitamin K
according to Dr. Brazelton, the best time for the parents to interact with their newborn is during the time when she is quiet, with little movement, but her eyes are open and she's attentive to people and the things near her...what stage of sleep and acti quiet alert
the newborn that has an Apgar score of 7-10 at 5 minutes after birth is found to be what? adjusting well outside the womb
jitterness or tremors; exaggerated Moro reflex, irritability, lethargy, poor feeding,listlessness, apnea or resp distress, high pitched cry...indicates s/s of what hypoglycemia
if hypoglycemia goes untreated, what 3 major things can occur to the newborn seizure, comma, permanent brain damage
where do you perform a blood glucose stick on the newborn? heel stick
white cheeselike substance that covers the body of the fetus during the second trimester and normally is found only in creases of the term newborn and is meant for protection of the fetal skin from the drying effects of amniotic fluid vernix caseosa or "vernix"
fine downy hair htats present in abundance on the preterm infant but is found in thinning patches on the shoulders,arms, and back of the term newborn. lanugo
small white spots on the nreborn's face, nose, and chin that resemble pimples; harmless, but tell parents not to pick or squeeze them...they will go away in a few day on their own. milia
blue hands and feet with a pink trunk, results from poor peripheral circulation and is not a good indicator of O2 status. acrocyanosis
red and white lacy pattern sometimes seen on the skin of newborns who have fair complexions, can last from serveral hours to several weeks. mottling
"Harlequin coloring", clown-like suit appearance of the newborn; skin is dark on one side of the body while the other side is pale...harmless and usually happens when vigourous crying occurs Harlequin sign
rash that appears commonly on the chest, abdomen, back and buttocks of the newborn...harmless and will disappear without treatment Erythema Toxicum/Newborn Rash
bluish black areas of discoloration appear commonly on the back, butt, or extremities of dark-skinned newborns; the should not be mistaken for bruises or mistreatment; they will gradually fade during the first year or two life. Mongolian spots
pale pink or red marks sometimes occur on the nape of the neck, eylids, or nose of fair-skinned newborns; they blanch when pressed and generally fade as the child grows. stork bites
dark reddish purple birthmark most commonly appears on the face; it doesn't blanch with pressure or fade with time; cosmetics are available to help cover the stain if it is disfiguring; and their has been success fading these birth marks with laser therap port-wine stain
because you must report jaundice immediately, the naked eye is not always reliable what is the two ways most facilities will check for jaundice? transcutaneous bilirubinometers, blood samples
elongated head shape caused by overlapping of the cranial bones as the fetus moves through the birth canal and will return to normal size within a day or 2. molding
swelling of the soft tissue of the scalp caused by pressure of the presenting part on a partially dilated cervix or trauma from a vacuum-assisted delivery..."cone head" caput succedaneum "caput"
swelling that occurs from bleeding under the periosteum of the skull, usually over on eof the parietal bones; caused by birth trauma, usually requires no treatment; will spontaneously resolve. cephalhematoma
to check bilateral nostril patency, occlude one naris with your finger; the naris on the opposite side and know the patency is good when what occurs? newborn can breathe without difficulty
is a "dolls eye" normal in the first few day of birth? yes
small white cysts that are found on the midline portion of the hard palate of some newborns, hard to the touch and harmless Epstein's pearls
fungal infection caused by Candida albicans in the oral cavity thrush
top of pinna should be even with, or above an imaginary horizontal line drawn from the inner to the outer canthus of the eye and continuing past the ear; this is a finding of what normal ear alignment
"brick dust", is a normal finding within the diaper during the first couple of voids and is characterized by pink or light orange color; this is caused by an excess amount of what? uric acid
the labia and clitoris is normal to find some edematous...this means what bruising
blood-tinged mucous d/c from the vagina that results from the sudden withdrawal of maternal hormones and is normal. pseudomenstruation
an opening located abnormally on the dorsal surface of the glans penis epispadias
this occurs when the opening to the urethra is on the ventral (under) surface of the glans. hypospadias
tightly adherent foreskin, is a normal condition. phimosis.
this results when the testes don't descend into the scrotal sac during fetal life Cryptorchidism
single straight palmar crease is an abnormal finding that's associated with Down's syndrome. simian crease
a + Ortolani's sing and + Barlow's sign means? dislocated hip; unstable joints
what 2 things evaluate the hip for signs of dislocation or subluxation (partial dislocation) Ortolani's maneuver and Barlow's sign
decreased tone hypotonus
distinct tremors, jitteriness, or seizure activity hypertonus
what 2 terms should be associated with and the newborn be checked for neurologic dysfunction, hypoglycemia, hypocalcemia, or neonatal drug withdrawl. hypertonus and hypotonus
what sign, if +, would you see the toes fan out when standing the newborn's feet onto a hard surface Babinski's sign
what Babinski sign do you expect to see when the newborn begins walkin - Babinski sign; with toes curled
what is the "startle reflex", and measures the arms and legs extended away from the body and to the side; then come back toward each other making a C shape Moro reflex
at what age would you expect the Moro reflex to disappear 6 months
genitalia of both sexes may appear how? swollen
when the cord is clamped off and the cord is drying at the base; what 3 things should be present 3 vessels present
if the baby's cord is dry and without redness you will do what? nothing...this is WNL
you find a baby's nipples leaking a milky fluid what do you do? clean the baby with a damp washcloth but take care not to squeeze the fluid out..."witch's milk" is normal
Created by: gracekimes
Popular Nursing sets




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