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Human Body Systems

blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart arteries
blood vessels that carry blood toward the heart veins
tiny air sacs that exchange carbon dioxide for oxygen alveoli
the large artery that carries oxygen-rich blood away from the heart aorta
the large artery that carries oxygen-poor blood away from the heart to the lungs pulmonary artery
the large vein that bring oxygen-rich blood toward the heart from the lungs pulmonary vein
these tiny blood vessels connect arteries to veins capillaries
the network of blood vessels that carry blood from the heart to the body cells and from the body back to the heart Systemic Circulation
network of arteries and veins that supply all the cells of the heart blood Coronary Circulation
network of blood vessels that carry blood back and forth from the heart to the lung; exchanges oxygen-poor blood for oxygen-rich blood Pulmonary Circulation
the waste product created during cellular respiration carbon dioxide
tiny hairlike structures that line the respiratory system to keep foreign objects from entering the pathway cilia
tubelike passageway at the top of the throat that receives air, food, and liquids from the mouth or nose pharynx
flap of tissue that keeps food and liquids from entering the respiratory system epiglottis
these folds of tissue vibrate to make sound as air passes over them-vocal cards larynx
largest vein in your body that returns blood from the lower part of your body to your heart inferior vena cava
microscopic air sacs found at the end of the bronchioles where the exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen take place alveoli
large muscle that contracts and relaxes and moves air in and out of the lungs diaphragm
the trachea branches into two narrower tubes called bronchi
Made from capillaries and larger blood vessels that join and form veins venules
the mechanical and chemical breakdown of food that your body can absorb and use digestion
physical breakdown of food into smaller pieces through mashing, chewing, and grinding food mechanical digestion
chemical reactions break down foods into small molecules chemical digestion
Proteins that speed up the rate of chemical reaction during digestion enzymes
enzyme that breaks down proteins pepsin and papain
enzyme that breaks down fats lipase
waves of contraction that move food through the digestive system peristalsis
the first part of the small intestines that digest carbohydrates, fats, nucleic acids, and proteins duodenum
enzyme produced in the pancreas that breaks down carbohydrates and neutralize stomach acids amylase
stores bile until it is needed gall bladder
produces bile the break down fats liver
substances that breaks down fats; made in the liver bile
produces amylase that breaks down carbohydrates pancreas
collected in the duodenum to be used by the body carbohydrates, nucleic acids, fats, and proteins
oxygen-poor blood from the body enters heart right atrium
oxygen-poor blood leave the right ventricle to go to the lungs pulmonary artery
oxygen-rich blood enters the heart pulmonary vein
oxygen-rich blood enters the heart through the pulmonary vein left atrium
oxygen-rich blood leaves the left atrium to go left ventricle
enzyme that breaks down fat bile
stores excess bile and recycles it gall bladder
secretes enzymes to aid in digestion pancreas
breaks down proteins into amino acids pepsin and papain
makes bile to aid in digestion liver
absorption of nutrients inside the small intestine s wall through the bloodstream using these finger-like structures villi
absorbs remaining nutrients and water large intestine
enzyme that breaks down carbohydreates amylase
amylase is made in this organ pancreas
chemical enzymes that break down bonds in food. Begins chemical digestion in the mouth saliva
substance found in stomach to chemically digest food hydrochloric acid
semi-digested food that leaves the stomach and enters the first part of the small intestines (duodenum) Chyme
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