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Ecology Test

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What is an ecosystem? consists of all the organisms living in that area, as well as the non-living parts of that environment
What are abiotic factors? non-living things in an ecosystem
What are biotic factors? living things in an ecosystem
What are herbivores? a type of consumer that eats only plants
What are carnivores? a type of consumer that eats only animals
What are omnivores? a type of consumer that eats both plants and animals
What is the role of decomposers? they break down dead plants and animals and then turn them back into soil
How does the transfer of energy work in a food chain? an arrow points from the organism being eaten to the organism doing the eating
What are species? an individual organism; do not breed with other individuals from other groups
What is a population? a group of species that live in a specific geographic area at a given time
What is a community? all populations living in an area
What is a biome? a set of ecosystems in a geographic area
Explain competition in an ecosystem. this is the attempt of organisms to obtain a resource that is available in a limited supply
What is a niche? the role of the species in an ecosystem including where it lives and feeds
What is an adaptation? characteristics that help an organism survive
how is competition reduced? organisms have different or multiple ways of obtaining nutrients
What biome do we live in? temperate forest
What is the water cycle? demonstrates how water moves through the atmosphere and returns to the earths surface
what would happen if a drought reduced number of plants in a forest area? drought-->producers die-->less food for primary consumers--> possible starvation and dying out
What are the 5 biomes? ocean, ocean ( wetlands), temperate forests, desert, grasslands
What is the nitrogen cycle? the process of nitrogen being fixed, used by plants and animals, and later returned to the atmosphere
What is nitrogen fixation? changing nitrogen from air into more usable, compound, form
What is the role of decomposers in the nitrogen cycle? bacteria whose function is to fix nitrogen, converting it, so plants can use it
What is the carbon cycle? the movement of carbon, in its many forms, between the biosphere, atmosphere, oceans, and geosphere
mutualism A relationship between two organisms where both are helped
commensalism A relationship between two organisms where one is helped, and the other didn’t help or harm
parasitism A relationship between two organisms where one is helped and the other harmed
ocean water- colder at bottom tropical parts
temperate forest no dry season- this is where we live
ocean wetlands cool summers, warm winters- increased precipitation
desert extreme temperatures and little rainfall; deserts can be hot or cold, think cactus,
grassland large range temperatures from below freezing to 100-often connects forests to deserts
Created by: MsRegan
Popular Science sets




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