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Spelling Test

餓: hungry è
渴: thirsty
水: water shuǐ
可樂: coke kě lè
果汁: juice guǒ zhī
薯條: fries shǔ tiáo
三明治: sandwich sān míng zhì
水餃: dumplings shuǐ jiǎo
包子: steamed stuffed bun bāo zi
個: piece ge
杯: cup, glass bēi
瓶: bottle píng
罐: jar, can guàn
根: stick gēn
吸管: straw xīguǎn
碗: bowl wǎn
盤子: plate pánzi
筷子: chopsticks kuài zi
湯匙: spoon tāng chí
刀子: knife dāo zi
叉子: fork chā zi
顏色: color  yán sè
藍色: blue lán sè
紅色: red hóng sè
黃色: yellow huáng sè
橘色: orange jú sè
黑色: black hēi sè
白色: white bái sè
咖啡色: brown kā fēi sè
綠色: green  lǜ sè
紫色: purple  zǐ sè
粉紅色: pink  fěn hóng sè
銀色: silver yín sè
喜歡 huān: like
上: to go, attend shì
學校: school xué xiào
高中: high school gāo zhōng
幾: which
年級: grade nián jí
好: good hǎo
再見: good-bye zài jiàn
同學: classmate tóng xué
們: more than two people men
老師: teacher lǎo shī
嗎: question ending ma
叫: call jiào
什麼: what shén me
名字: name míng zì
她 / 他: she / he
多: how many duō
大: old, big
歲: age suì
呢: ending questions ne
也: also, too
是: yes; be shì
哪: which; where na
國: country guó
人: person rén
中國: China zhōng guó
美國: U.S.A. měi guó
不是: no; not bú shì
愛: love ài
家: home jiā
爸爸: father bà ba
媽媽: mother mā ma
哥哥: older brother gē ge
姐姐: older sister jiě jie
弟弟: younger brother dì di
妹妹: younger sister mèi mei
誰: who shéi
住: Live  zhù
哪裡: where nǎ lǐ
街: street jiē
路: road
號: number hào
樓: floor lóu
校長: principal xiào zhǎng
公園: park gōng yuán
今天: Today jīn tiān
明天: Tomorrow míng tiān
昨天: Yesterday zuó tiān
這是: This is zhè shì
那是: That is nà shì
書包: Backpack shū bāo
教室: Classroom jiào shì
書: Book shū
鉛筆: Pencil qiān bǐ
橡皮: Eraser xiàng pí
尺: Ruler chǐ
桌子: Table  zhuō zi
椅子: Chair  yǐ zi
白板: Whiteboard  bái bǎn
垃圾桶: Trash Can lè sè tǒng
電腦: Computer diàn nǎo
喜歡: Like  xǐ huān
水果: Fruit shuǐ guǒ
漢堡: Hamburger hàn bǎo
麵包: Bread  miàn bāo
飯: Rice fàn
麵: Noddle miàn
義大利麵: Spaghetti yì dà lì miàn
橘子: Tangerine jú zi
柳丁: Orange liǔ dīng
西瓜: Watermelon xī guā
香蕉: Banana  xiāng jiāo
蘋果: Apple  píng guǒ
葡萄: Grape  pú táo
草莓: Strawberry  cǎo méi
奇異果: Kiwi qí yì guǒ
鳳梨: Pineapple fèng lí
鼠: Rat shǔ
牛: Ox niú
虎: Tiger
兔: Rabbit
龍: Dragon lóng
蛇: Snake shé
馬: Horse
羊: Sheep / Goat yáng
猴: Monkey hóu
雞: Chicken
狗: Dog gǒu
豬: Pig zhū
今年:This Year jīn nián
去年:Last Year qù nián
明年:Next Year míng nián
動物: Animals dòng wù
不同: Different bù tóng
生肖: Chinese Zodiac shēng xiào
Created by: KCHsu
Popular Chinese sets




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