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Stack #152058

This electrolyte helps maintain action potentials, regulates protein synthesis, and glucose use and storage. It is also a check and balance mechanism for hydrogen ions Potassium
This electrolyte is present in high amounts in the following foods: advocados, cantaloupe, bananas, and raisins Potassium
Vomiting, diahrrea,GI suctioning, NPO status, anorexia nervosa,or too much insulin could result in what electrolyte imbalance? Hypokalemia
Weakness, decreased tendon reflex, leg cramps, fatigue, U waves on ekg, confusion, lethargy,and polyuria can be indicators of what electrolyte imbalance? Hypokalemia
Name possible interventions for hypokalemia p.o. supplements, IV alloquats or additive to IV solution, potassium sparing diuretic, d/c loop or thiazides, high potassium diet
The following conditions are possible causes of this electrolyte imbalance: acidosis, burns, crushing injuries, or renal failure Hyperkalemia
slow irregular heart rate, dysrythmias, muscle twitches, parasthesia,and diarrhea can all be indications of which electrolyte imbalance Hyperkalemia
What interventions might be used on a client with hyperkalemia? eliminate potassium supplements or potassium rich foods, give loop diuretics, give cation exchange resins(kayexelate), sodium bicarbonate via IV, Glucose and Insulin, Calcium IV, or dialysis
This electrolytes main functions are as follows: to maintain ECF osmolarity and ECF volume, transmission of nerve impulse, skeletal muscle contraction and cardiac contractility and renal concentrating system. Sodium
This electrolyte could be found in high quantities in the following foods: soy sauce, pork, cheese, etc. Sodium
This electrolyte is primarily regulated by the secretion of aldosterone Sodium
Excessive diaphoresis, diuretics, NPO status, SIADH, tap water enemas or flushing NG tubes with water could cause which electrolyte disorder Hyponatremia
Personality changes, headaches,ICP, weakness,and decreased muscle tone are all indicators of this electrolyte disorder Hyponatremia
Name some interventions that might be used to correct hyponatremia IV therapy(type would depend on cause), osmotic diuretics, ADH antagonists such as Lithium, Sodium Chloride tablets, increase oral intake of sodium with slight fluid restriction
Hyperaldosteronism, steroid use, renal failure, NPO status, fever or hypoventilation could cause the following electrolyte imbalance Hypernatremia
Depending on the cause this electrolyte imbalance can manifest with short attention span, agitation, confusion , and twitching or lethargy, drowsiness, stupor, coma, and twitching Hypernatremia
What interventions might be used for a client with hypernatremia IV Therapy(type depends on cause), diuretics, sodium and fluid restrictions, and dialysis
This electrolyte has a normal serum level of 98-107. Chloride
The functions of this electrolyte are as follows: maintenance of acid base balance, plasma electroneutrality, works with sodium to maintain fluid balance Chloride
What are some interventions to treat the client with hypochloremia IV therapy with 0.9% NS, ammonium chloride to treat metabolic alkalosis, oral replacement
The main functions of this electrolyte are as follows: formation and structure of bone and teeth, cell membrane permeability, impulse transmission and contraction of cardiac, smooth and skeletal muscle, clotting Calcium
A diet rich in this electrolyte would include the following items: yogurt, milk, cheese, rhubarb, and collard greens. Calcium
Thyrocalcitonin(TCT) is secreted from the thyroid gland with which electrolyte imbalance Hypercalemia
These conditions might result in which electrolyte imbalance: lactose intolerance, celiacs disease, chron's disease,diarrhea,excessive wound drainage,parathyroid problems, etc. Hypocalcemia
This electrolyte imbalance might manifest in the following ways: parasthesia, spasms in limp from distal to proximal, decreased blood pressure, + Trousseau's and Chvosteks sign Hypocalcemia
What are some interventions for the client experiencing hypocalcemia Oral calcium supplements, IV calcium, Vitamin D, give a muscle relaxant, increase calcium in diet, reduce environmental stimuli, prevent injury.
This electrolyte imbalance could be caused by the following conditions: renal failure, thiazide diuretics, hyperparathyroidism, cancer, and dehydration Hypercalcemia
This imbalance might manifest in the following ways: shallow ineffective respirations, disorientation, lethargy, coma, skeletal muscle weakness, increased urine output, with early stages increased heart rate, increased BP, but with late stages decreased h Hypercalcemia
What interventions might the nurse provide for the client experiencing hypercalcemia IV therapy(0.9%NS), hold all meds(IV or oral) containing vitamin D or calcium, loop diuretics,calcium chelators(like plicamycin),calcium resorption inhibitors(like calcitonin), dereased intake of calcium rich food,dialysis
The normal serum level for this electrolyte is 1.5-2.5 Magnesium
This electrolytes functions include muscle contraction,carbohydrate metabolism, DNA and protein synthesis when present intracellularly and blood cagulation and skeletal muscle contractility when present extracellularly Magnesium
This electrolyte is found in high quantities in these foods: nuts, vegetables,fish, whole grains, and in avocados Magnesium
Parathyroid hormone (PTH) stimulates the release of what electrolyte from the bone Magnesium
This electrolyte imbalance might show the following symptoms: dysrythmias, decreased BP, shallow respirations, twitches, hyperreflexia,seizures, irritability and confusion Hypomagnesemeia
What interventions might a client with hypomagnesia d/c diuretics,aminoglycosides,and phosphorus, IV replacement, avoid oral replacement, and eat a diet rich in magnesium
This electrolyte imbalance might display the following signs and symptoms: decreased heart rate and BP, drowsiness leading to coma, decreased deep tendon reflex,and weak voluntary muscle contractions Hypermagnesia
This electolyte has a normal serum value of 2.7-4.5 Phosphorus
The function of this electrolyte is acid-base buffering and calcium homeostasis. Phosphorus
This electrolyte can be found in in high quantities in these foods:nuts, legumes,dairy products, red meat,organ meat, bran, and whole grains Phosphorus
This electrolyte imbalance could manifest with the following signs and symptoms: decreased CO, myocardial depression,skeletal muscle weakness,and decreased bone density hypophosphatemia
What interventions might be used with a client with hypophosphatemia d/c meds that contribute to the problem such as antacids, osmotic diuretics, and calcium supplements, oral replacement, IV replacement-only if below 1(very rare),eat diet rich in phosphorus and low in calcium
This electrolyte imbalance can be caused by renal insufficiency, cancer treatments, increased intake, or hypoparathyroidism Hyperphosphatemia
What interventions might you expect to see for a client experiencing hyperphosphatemia This imbalance causes few direct problems but most issues due to corresponding hypocalcemia. Interventions would be to treat low calcium
Active transport, the kidneys, and ph all help regulate this electrolyte Potassium
Electrolyte imbalance where Aldosterone secretion is stimulated and ADH and Atrial natriuretic peptide secretions are inhibited. Hyponatremia
The electrolyte that the kidneys try to balance with HCO3- levels. Chloride
Thyrocalcitonin (TCT) is secreted by the thyroid gland with this imbalance. Hypercalcemia
Increased PTH secretion results in a decrease of the blood level of this electrolyte. Phosphorus
Intracellular dehydration is caused by this electrolyte imbalance. Hypernatremia
This is a drug that binds with potassium to cause the patient to eliminate it. Kayexelate
This medication binds with Calcium to treat hypercalcemia What is the Ca++ chelator – plicamycin (Mithracin)?
This type of diuretic is added to the medication regime of a CHF patient being treated with Lasix who is having problems with hypokalemia. Potassium Sparing Diruetics
Created by: kitsmommy
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