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Geography Vocabulary

geography vocab #151890

the path followed by an object in space as it moves around another. orbit
One complete orbit of Earth around the Sun. Revolution
an imaginary line around which a planet turns. Axis
The spinning motion of Earth, like a top on its axis. Rotation
The northern boundary of the tropics - 23 1/2degrees North Tropic of Cancer
The southern boundary of the tropics - 23 1/2 degrees South Tropic of Capricorn
Line of Latitude around Earth near the North Pole 66 1/2 degrees North Artic Circle
Line of Latitude around Earth near the South Pole 66 1/2 degrees South Antartic Circle
The region between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn. Low Latitude
the regions between the Artic Circle and the North Pole & the Antartic Circle and tne South Pole. High Latitudes
The regions between the Tropic of Cancer and the Artic Circle & the Tropic of Capricorn and the Antartic Circle. Middle Latitude
An area of Earth's surface with a definite shape (mountains, hills). Land Form
The theory that Earth's crust is made of huge, slowly moving slabs of rock called plates. Plate Tectonics
A circle of volcanic mountains that surround the Pacific Ocean. Ring of Fire
According to scientific theory, a single land mass that broke apart to form today's separate continents. Pangeae
In geography, a huge section of Earth's crust. Plate
The breaking down of rocks by wind, rain or ice. Weathering
A process by which water, wind or ice wears away land forms & carries the material to another place. Erosion
The multilayered band of gases that surrounds Earth. Atmosphere
The condition of the bottom layer of Earth's atmosphere in one place over a short period of time. Weather
The degree of hotness or coldness of something. Temperature
All the forms of water (rain, snow, ice.....) that fall to the ground from the atmosphere. Precipitation
The weather patterns that an area typically experienced over a long period of time. Climate
A warm ocean current in the North Atlantic flowing northeasterward off the North American coast. Gulf Stream
The plants in an area. Vegetation
A layer of branches & leaves at the tops of trees in a forest. (like an umbrella) Canopy
A region where temperatures are always cool or cold & where only certain plants can grow. Tundra
A device on a map to measure distance. Scale
0 degrees latitude. It divides the Earth into the Northern & Southern hemispheres. Equator
The 4 main directions; north, south, east and west. Cardinal directions
This figure represents something real. Symbol
Lines on a map that never meet; also called lines of latitude. Parallels
The term for one half of the Earth. Hemisphere
A Socal Science that uses maps to study the environmnet of our world. Geography
A large mass of land. There are 7 of these on Earth. Continent(s)
Another name for the key on a map; it tells what the symbols mean. Legend
0 degrees longitude. It divides the Earth into the Eastern and Western hemispheres. Prime Meridian
The secondary directions; NE (northeast), NW (northwest), SE (southeast), SW (southwest). Intermediate directions
The 'long' lines on a map that move East to West. They are also called lines of Longitude. Meridians
How many degrees are in a circle? 360
How many degrees from the Equator to the North Pole? 90
How many degrees from the Equator to the South Pole? 90
The International Dateline is how many degrees from the Prime Meridian? 180
A depression in the surface of the land; some are filled with water. Basin
A part of a sea or lake that extends into the land. Bay
A small area of raised land with steep sides. Butte
A deep, narrow valley with steep sides; often has a stream flowing through it. Canyon
A large waterfal; any strong flod or rush of water. Cataract
a triangular-shaped plain at the mouth of a river, formed when sediment is deposited by flowing water. Delta
A broad plain on either side of a river, formed when sediment settles on the riverbanks. Flood Plain
A huge, slow-moving mass of snow and ice. Glacier
An area that rises above surrounding land and has a rounded top; lower and usually less steep than a mountain. Hill
An area of land completely surrounded by water. Island
A narrow strip of land that connects two larger areas of land. Isthmus
A high, flat-topped land form with clift-like sides; larger than a butte. Mesa
An area that rises steeply at least 2,000 ft. (300 m) above sea level; usually wide at the bottom and rising to a narrow peak or ridge. Mountain
A gap between mountains. Mountain Pass
An area of land almost surrounded by water on three sides Peninsula
A large area of flat or gently rolling land. Plain
A large, flat area that rises above the surrounding lands; at least one side has a steep slope. Plateau
The point where a river enters a lake or sea. River Mouth
A narrow stretch of water that connects two larger bodies of water. Strait
A river or stream that flows into a larger river. Tributary
An opening in the Earth's surface through which molten rock, ashes, and gasses from the Earth's interior escape. Volcano
Created by: CONTIKI
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