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Wordly Wise 3000

Wordly Wise 3000 Lesson 11

Augment v.To increase in size, amount, or degree. 증가시키다
Benign 1. adj.Kind; gracious; gentle. 상냥한 2.Favorable; not threatening. 호의적인
Connoisseur n.A person with extensive knowledge, especially of the fine arts; a person of refined taste. 감정가
Discern v. 1.To detect with the eyes 알아차리다 2.To understand or comprehend. 이해하다 3.To recognize as separate or different. 알아보다
Embellish v. 1.To make beautiful by adding decorative elements. 장식하다 2.To add fictitious details to. 꾸미다
Execute v. 1.To carry out; to perform. (동작을)해내다 2.To create, as a work of art. (예술 작품을) 만들어 내다 3.To put to death as a legal penalty. 처형[사형]하다
Exemplify v. To illustrate by being an example of. 예를 들다
Grotesque adj. So distorted or strange as to appear bizarre or comical. 기괴한
Hallowed adj. Greatly respected; holy; sacred. 소중한, 신성시되는
Impersonate v. 1.To assume the character or appearance of. 가장하다 mimic. 흉내내다
Malevolent adj. Showing ill will or hatred; producing harm or evil. 악의 있는, 악의적인
Ornate adj. Heavily and elaborately decorated. 화려한
Pastoral adj. 1.Having to do with shepherds and herders. 목축의 2.Relating to country life, and often presented as charmingly simple. 목회자의(인간적인 도움을 주는 일과 관련된 것을 나타냄)
Precarious adj.Not safe or secure; dangerously uncertain. 불안정한; 위태로운
Renown n.Fame; honor. 명성
Renowned adj.Famous; honored. 유명한
Discerning adj. Having good judgment; perceptive 안목이 있는
Malevolence n. A feeling or expression of ill will. 악의
Created by: hikiwook
Popular English Verbs sets




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