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Music Appreciation

Sound produced when air particles around an object begin to move away from source vibrations detected by human ear or recording
Amplitude volume loudness
Pitch how high or how low the sound of noise is
Frequency the number of vibrations per sound; measured in hertz
Duration length something last
Note the musical symbol that denotes pitch and duration
Acoustic Music music produced without electronic or amplifiers
Melody the line or tune of music that make up one cohesive thought
Contour the overall shape ( up and down movement) of the music
Range the distance between the highest and lowest note
Interval the distance between 2 pitches
conjunct interval where the note are close together or move by steps
disjunct intervals are far apart or move by leaps; disconnected
phrase a section of music
cadence the resting place at the end of a phrase; like a comma or period in a sentence; where the singer or instrumentalist pauses to take a breath.
rhyme scheme describes the similarities in sounds at the last syllable in each line
countermelody several simultaneous melodies occurring at the same time
rhythm moves music forward in time
beat a single unit of rhythm
accented beat has a stronger beat than others
measures rhythmic groups contain fixed numbers of beats
measure lines indicate start and end of measure
downbeat first accented beat of a measure
Created by: 655518832
Popular Music sets




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