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English 10 Honors

Vocab Quiz

Subject Main topic of the text Part of the Rhetorical Triangle
Audience For whom the text was originally intended Part of the Rhetorical Triangle
Speaker Who is writing the text or delivering the speech Part of the Rhetorical Trianlge
Purpose WHY is the author writing this piece Part of the Rhetorical Triangle
Context When and under what historical circumstances was this piece written Part of the Rhetorical Triangle
Ethos Refers to the character of a person
Pathos Refers to emotion
Logos Refers to logic, specifically facts, statistics, or objective examples
Syntax Sentence structure
Diction Word choice
Connotation The implied and/or emotional attachement to particular word
Denotation The literal, dictionary definition of a word
Tone The speaker's attitude towards the subject or audience
Induction Reasoning from specific, observable evidence to general, theoretical conclusions
Deduction Reasoning from general truths or assumptions to specific conclusions
Inference A reasonable conclusion gleaned from the info given
Parallelism The repetition of similar grammatical or syntactical
Anaphora The repetition of words at the beginning of successive clauses
Qualifier A word or phrase that specifically limits the scope or meaning of another
Conditional Asserting that the existence or occurrence of one event depends on the existence or occurrence of another event
Euphemism A more agreeable or less offensive term for a generally unpleasant word or concept
Idiom An expression whose meaning is not predictable from the literal meanings of its individual elements
Colloquialism The informal or conversational use of language; includes local or regional dialects and diction
Jargon The language, especially the vocabulary, peculiar to a particular trade, profession, or group
Cliche A stereotype expression: a sentence or phrase, usually expressing a popular or common thought or idea, that has lost originality and impact by long overuse
Created by: Hidancer98
Popular English Verbs sets




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