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Motion & Light

Motion A change in position over time
Reference Point An object used for comparison with the object in motion
Position An object's location in relation to a reference point
Qualitative Describes motion
Quantitative Measuring motion
Velocity Speed plus Direction
Distance How far the object traveled
Time Measures how long it took the object to travel the distance
Speed The distance an object travels in a period of time
Theory of Plate Tectonics Earth's plates move slowly in various directions through convection energy transfer in the mantle (some push away, some push together)
Plate Large pieces of lithosphere that are in constant motion
Lithosphere The rocky outer shell of Earth includes the crust and upper mantle (brittle and rigid) more solid
Asthenosphere Lies below the lithosphere with a low density and very ductile much hotter (plastic and flowing) more liquid
Plate Boundary Region where two tectonic plates meet
Transform Plates slide side by side
Convergent Plates move towards each other
Oceanic-Continental Convergent More dense and subducts the continented plate creating and ocean trench and a chain of volcanoes
Continental-Continental Convergent Two plates collide creating a mountain rage
Oceanic-Oceanic Convergent Collide to create volcanoes and islands in between
Divergent Plates move away from each other
Oceanic-Continental Divergent Forms mid-oceanic ridges leading to underwater volcanoes give rise to volcanic islands
Continental-Continental Divergent Produce rift valleys eventually creating oceanic plates
Acceleration Rate of change, direction, or both
Forces Pushes or pulls (a combination is a twist
Kinetic Energy A force acts on a stationary object and causes motion
Force Diagram Show the forces acting on an object and whether they are balanced or unbalanced
Newton's 1st Law of Motion An object in motion remains in motion and a object at rest remains at rest unless acted on an unbalanced force
Newton's 2nd Law of Motion F=MA
Weight A force. Measured in Newton's (N)
Friction A force oppose motion between 2 surfaces that are touching
Newton's 3rd Law of Motion For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction
Waves A disturbance that travels through a medium from one location to another offering transferring energy
Transverse Causes vibration in the medium in perpendicular direction to its own motion
Longitudinal Have vibrations along or parallel to their direction of travels
Wavelength The distance between adjacent crests, measured in meters
Period The time it takes for a complete to pass a given point, measured in seconds
Frequency the # of complete waves pass a point in one second measured in Hertz (Hz)
Crest The highest part of a wave
Amplitude How far the medium waves when the wave passes through
Trough The lowest point in a wave
Refraction The change in direction of a wave due to a change in its speed
Visible Light ROY G BIV (red has a longer wavelength)
Seismic Waves Carry energy from an earthquake away from the focus, through Earth's interior and across the surface
Primary(P)Waves Can travel through all states of matter through compressions and rarefactions much like an accordion
Secondary(S)Waves Cannot move through liquids; move back and forth and up and down (transverse wave)
Created by: irouse
Popular Science sets




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