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UTA NURS 4223 Exam 1

UTA NURS 4223 Trends Exam 1

Professionalism process through which an occupation achieves professional status
Characteristics of a Profession 1)A Body of Specialized Knowledge; 2)Use of Scientific Method to Enlarge Body of Knowledge; 3)Education Within Institutions of Higher Learning; 4)Code of Ethics; 5)Lifetime Commitment; Service to the Public; 7)Control of Professional Policy/Activity
Year BSN Programs started 1909
expert power possessing the knowledge and skill that someone else needs.
Legitimate power that bestowed by the particular status or the role of an individual. All registered nurses have legitimate power through their license granted by their State Board of Nursing to practice nursing.
Referent Power gained by having other people’s admiration and respect.
Reward power the ability to give other people what they want, and hence ask them to do things for you in exchange.
Coercive power based on the ability to punish and is rooted in fear or perceived fear of one person by another
Health policy a set course of action (or inaction) undertaken by governments or health care organizations to obtain a desired health outcome.
Policy process all the specific decisions and events that are required for a policy to be proposed, considered, and finally either implemented and/or set aside.
phases of policy making the formulation phase; the implementation phase; and the evaluation phase
Politics has been defined as "the process of influencing the authoritative allocation of scarce resources"
Kinds of Peer Review Incident-based (IBPR) and Safe Harbor (SHPR)
Composition of Peer Review Committee RNs/LVNs 3/4 of members; if LVN, should have LVN members and only RN and LVN voting members; If RN/APN, must have RN 2/3 of members, only RNs as voting members, and at least one nurse with a working familiarity of the area of nursing practice
Rule 217.11 Standards of Nursing Practice. Establishes a minimum acceptable level of nursing practice in any setting for each level of nursing licensure or advanced practice authorization.
Rule 217.11(1) Standards applicable to all nurses.
Accurate and complete documentation includes the client’s status including signs and symptoms; nursing care rendered; provider orders; medication admin and treatments; client response(s); and contacts with other health care team members concerning significant events regarding client’s status
Rule 217.11(2) Standards Specific to Vocational Nurses
Rule 217.11(3) Standards Specific to Registered Nurses
Standards Specific to RNs Utilize a systematic approach to provide individualized, goal-directed, nursing care (assessment, nursing diagnoses, care plans, implementation, evaluation) and Delegate tasks to unlicensed personnel
Rule 217.11(4) Standards Specific to Registered Nurses with Advanced Practice Authorization.
Rule 217.12 Unprofessional Conduct. Identifies unprofessional or dishonorable behaviors of a nurse which the board believes are likely to deceive, defraud, or injure clients or the public. Actual injury to a client need not be established.
Unprofessional Conduct behaviors unsafe; not following oversight standars; practice outside of scope; careless/repetitive; inability to practice safely; misconduct; unpaid student loan/child support; drug diversion; assistance program noncompliance; drugs; abandonment; unlawful/criminal
Unsafe Practice failing to perform at minimum acceptable levels or to conform to standards; improper mgmt of client records; unsafe or ineffective delegation; accepting unsafe or ineffective assignments; failing to supervise; failure of nursing instructor to supervise.
Misconduct falsifying reports, not cooperating with investigations; causing/permitting abuse/injury/neglect; violating professional boundaries; sex with client; threatening/violence; misappropriation; false/deceptive/misleading information; payments for referrals
Unlawful Practice knowingly aiding unlicensed person to practice nursing; violating an order of the board state or federal law; knowing aiding a nurse under Board Order to violate order; failing to report violations
Rule 217.16 Reporting of Minor Incidents. Provides guidance in determining whether a nurse has engaged in conduct that indicates the nurse’s continued practice would pose a risk of harm to patients or others and should be reported to the board.
Minor Incident conduct by a nurse that may be a violation of the Nursing Practice Act or a Board rule but does not indicate the Nurse’s continued practice poses a risk of harm to a patient or another person.
Criteria for reporting minor incidents 5 or more occur within any 12 month period
Criteria that makes an incident NOT minor significant risk of harm; lacks conscientious approach or accountability; lacks easily-remediated knowledge and competencies; pattern of multiple minor incidents
Incidents that MUST be reported death/serious harm; criminal conduct; serious violation of unprofessional conduct (fraud, theft, or patient abuse); practice-related violation involving impairment d/t drugs or alcohol
Rule 217.19 Incident-Based Nursing Peer Review and Whistleblower Protection. Defines minimum due process; provides guidance in on plans; assures nurses have knowledge of the plan; and provides guidance to incident-based peer review committees.
Requirements for minimum due process written notice; time frame/limitations; confidentiality; opportunity to view records; hearing/parity of participation of counsel; report to the BNE is advisory
Time frame for conducting peer review meeting 21 to 45 calendar days from date of notice, unless the committee determines an extended time period (no more than an additional 45 days) is necessary in order to consult with a patient safety committee; or otherwise agreed upon by the nurse and committee
Parity of participation of counsel the nurse’s attorney is able to participate to the same extent and level as the facility’s attorney, e.g., if the facility’s attorney can question witnesses, the nurse’s attorney must have the same right.
Evaluation following suspension of peer review of nurse determination if any factors beyond the nurse’s control contributed to a practice violation; and enabled the nurse to engage in unprofessional or illegal conduct. External factors reported to patient safety committee or CNO/nurse admin if no committee
BON Mission to protect and promote the welfare of the people of Texas by ensuring that each person holding a license as a nurse in this state is competent to practice safely.
House Bill 581 authorizes nurse employed by a state or local entity hospital to sue the governmental entity to recover limited damages for certain retaliatory actions taken against the nurse for fulfilling obligations as a licensed nurse practicing under Texas law.
SB 406 eliminated the requirement for on-site physician supervision of Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs) and increased the number of APRNs a physician can supervise from four to seven.
SB 743 requires the BON to suspend a nurse’s license or refuse to issue a license to an applicant on proof of conviction of an offense involving a violation of certain court orders or conditions of bond under Penal Code, punished as a felony, or other offenses.
SB 1058 added new continuing education requirements related to nursing jurisprudence and ethics, as well as continuing education related to older adults or geriatric populations for nurses working in a practice area related to geriatric populations.
§301.401-402 Nurse Reporting: Duty to report colleagues who may expose others to risk of harm.
Conduct subject to reporting rule or regulation violations that contribute to death or serious injury; drug/alcohol abuse; abuse/exploitation/fraud or violation of professional boundaries; lack of knowledge, skill, judgment, or conscientiousness where practice could pose risk of harm
§301.452 Grounds for Disciplinary Action
Grounds for Disciplinary Action rule/reg violation; fraud/deceit in licensing; felony; impersonating on licensing exam; aiding UAP in nursing practice; action on license in other jurisdiction; alcohol/drug; unprof conduct; mental incompetency; unfit to practice; failure adequate care
§301.4535 Required Suspension, Revocation, or Refusal of License for Certain Offenses
Criminal conduct murder, kidnapping/unlawful restraint, sexual assault, indecency with child, assault, injury to child, elderly, or disabled, intentional abandonment/endangerment of child, aiding suicide, child abduction, sale/purchase of child, robbery, sex offender
Section 301.405 Duty of Person Employing Nurse to Report. Employers must report when it terminates, suspends for more than 7 days, or takes disciplinary action against a nurse because the nurse engaged in conduct subject to reporting shall report in writing to the board
Rule 224 Delegation of nursing tasks by registered professional nurses to unlicensed personnel for clients with acute conditions or in acute care environments.
Rule 224 application client has acute condition that is unstable/unpredictable; or client is in an acute care environment where nursing services are continuously provided including, hospitals, rehabilitation centers, skilled nursing facilities, clinics, and physician offices
Delegation Authorizing UAP to provide nursing services while retaining accountability for how the UAP performs the task. It does not include situations in which an UAP is directly assisting a RN by carrying out nursing tasks in the presence of a RN
General criteria for delegation asses needs; within scope of sound nursing judgment; UAP can safely perform; and task does not require nursing judgment or intervention; UAP identified; personally instruct UAP or verify competency; adequate supervision; periodically evaluate delegation
five rights of delegation the right task, the right person to whom the delegation is made, the right circumstances, the right direction and communication by the RN, and the right supervision as determined by the RN.
Supervision requirements level of supervision depends on condition, competency of UAP, nature of task and availability of RN; RN must be available to UAP directly or by telecommunication; RN must be readily available with clients with changing conditions.
Tasks most commonly delegated 1)non-invasive & non-sterile treatments; 2)collecting, reporting, & documenting data; 3)ambulation, positioning; 4)internal transportation; 5)personal hygiene & elimination; 6)feeding/food prep; 7)socialization; 8)ADLs; & 9)teaching reinforcement
Discretionary Delegation Tasks Sterile procedures; non-sterile procedures (dressing/cleaning penetrating wounds and deep burns); invasive procedures; and care of broken skin
Tasks Prohibited from Delegation assessments requiring nursing judgment, formulating plan of care/evaluation; health teaching and counseling; administration of medications except in special circumstances (e.g., Medication Aide with valid permit issued by DSHS)
Created by: camellia
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