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Joe Sci 7 Life

6 characteristics of LIFE 1)Organisms are made up of one or more cells, 2) Organisms use energy 3) 4) 5) 6)
arecheology the study of life and culture from evidence
asexual reproduction reproduction needing only one parent
biology the science of life and life processes.
botany the study of plants and plant geneticist and horticulturalist
characteristics quality or property that defines or classifies something.
composition of air mostly nitrogen oxygen and argon, carbon dioxide, helium and neon.
energy the ability to do work or cause change
hibernation inactive state of some animals during winter months
homeostasis process of keeping conditions inside the body constant no matter the conditions outside the body.
metabolism the functioning of any living thing in a body.
microbiology the study of viruses and very small thinks like a cell biologist and an epidemiologist.
migration movement of animals from one place to another
offspring new organism produced by a living organism
photosynthesis food-maing process in plants that uses sunlight for energy.
response reaction to a change
sexual reproduciton reproduction needing two parents
stimulus change that causes a response
traits characteristics of an organism
zoology study of animals
Anton Van Leeuwenhoek first person to observe cells
cell membrane thin structure that surrounds a cell and supports living cells
cell nucleus control center of a cell
cell theory then theory that was developed by observations an data and data again
cell wall thick outer layer that surrounds the cell membrane of plants and some simple organisms
cells basic unit of structure and functions in living things.
cellulose carbohydrate made up of many sugar molecules that forms most of the cell wall of a plant cell
centrioles the tiny cylindrical organelles in living cells.
chlorophyll green material in a chloroplast that is needed by plants to make food.
chloroplasts organelle in a plant cell that contains chlorophyll
cytoplasm gel-like substance inside the cell where most of the cell's activities take place
diffusion movement of material from a area where molecules are crowded to an area where they are less crowede
digestion process of taking in food so that it can be used by living things.
electron microscope stronger than a compound microscope and you can see things better Up to 300000x.
endoplasmic reticulum small network of tubes inside a cell that substances move along (Highways)
excretion process of getting rid of wastes.
Francesco Redi Italian Doctor who disproved Spontaneous generation
How to calculate power of microscope Multiply number on EyePiece by Number on Objective Lens
Inborn behavior innate behavior an animal is born with
laser Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
Learned Behavior behavior that an animal practices and learns
Louis Pasteur French chemist who invented some immuninsts
mitochondriat structure that releases energy for a cell
nuclear membrane thin structure that surrounds and protects the nucleus.
nutrition the process where living organism used food for growth and tissue replacement.
objective lens par of microscope that has lens that magnifies about 10x to 40x
osmosis movement of water through a membrane
parts of compound microscope revolving nose piece, arm, base, stage, eye piece
respiration process of carrying oxygen to cells getting rid of carbon dioxide and releasing energy
ribosomes small, round structures that make proteins
Rober Hooke the first person to observe and describe cells
spontaneous generation an idea that living things come from non living things
ultrasound a technology used to measure with sound waves
x-ray a photo taken with x-rays
Created by: acpierson
Popular Science sets




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