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Psychology Ch 8
Term | Definition |
Source Amnesia | wrong source if an experienced event or incorrectly saying something from a source |
Mood-Congruent Memory | remembering things similar to the what you're feeling |
Implicit Memory | independent retention and conscious recollection it is the nondeclarative memory and it is knowing how to do something |
Amnesia | memory loss |
Explicit Memory | memory of facts and experiences it is the declarative memory |
Hippocampus | neural center in the limbic system that helps create memories |
Memory | persistent learning over time and the storage and retrieval of information |
Effortful Processing | requires consciousness and attentions |
Encoding | processing information |
Automatic Processing | unconscious adding of information including space, time, and frquency |
Long-term Memory | almost permanent storage that is limitless and stores knowledge, skills, and experience |
Rehearsal | repeating information to remember it better |
Mneumonics | memory aids that are usually acronyms |
Chunking | grouping into understandable categories |
Flashbulb Memory | clear memory of a tragic or life changing event it is a vivid memory |
Sensory Memory | immediate and short-term memory |
Working Memory | newer comprehension of a short-term memory by relating it to long-term memory and it is conscious, active processing |
Visual Encoding | understanding and processing pictures |
Storage | place where information is kept over time |
Acoustic Encoding | understanding and processing sounds |
Long-term Potentiation | increase in synapse firing potential with rapid stimulation |
Spacing Effect | studying a little at a time that leads to better retention |
Misinformation Effect | distorted information stored of an event |
Proactive Interference | old information disrupts recalling new information |
Retroactive Interference | new information messes up recalling old information |
One Sin of Intrusion | persistence which is unwanted memories constantly bothering |
Priming | activation that is mainly unconscious ti retrieve a specific memory |
Deja Vu | weird feeling that you have done something before and it is believed that it is subconscious cues that may retrieve earlier experiences |
Three Sins of Distortion | misattribution, suggestibility, and bias |
Relearning | measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning something again |
Iconic Memory | momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli |
Three Sins of Forgetting | absentmindedness, transience, blocking |
Recall | retrieving information you learned earlier |
Repression | in psychoanalytic theory when it is a basic defense mechanism to erase harmful memories |
Recognition | measure of memory and noticing a familiar thing |
Serial Positioning Effect | retaining the information that is first and last the best |
Imagery | mental pictures |
Short-term Memory | holds a few things at a time |
Semantic Encoding | processing meaning |
Retrieval | getting information out of storage |
Echoic Memory | short-term memory of something you have heard only lasting a few seconds |
Bower | hierarchies and chunking |
Atkinson and Shriffin | 3 stages sensory, short-term, long-term |
Jenkins and Dollenbach | memory and sleep |
Sperling | iconic memory |
Roediger Mc Dermott | false memories and persistence |
Poole and Lindsay | source amnesia with M. Science |
Freud | repression of painful memories |
George Miller | magical number 7 in which sort-term memory can only retain 7 plus or minus 2 |
Ebbinghaus | effortful processing by rehearsing nonsense syllables |
Bahrick | graduation photos by recognizing but not recalling |
Loftus and paler | analyzed vivid memories with misinformation car crash |
Schacter | 7 sins of memory |
Golden and Baddely | memory on land and water |
Lashley | took chinks of rat brain to see if they still had memory |