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Chapter 3

Family Influences on Child Health Promotion

cosanguineous blood relationships
affinal marital relationships
family of origin family unit a person is born into
family theory used to describe families and how the family unit responds to events both w/in and outside the family
family systems theory derived from general systems theory, a sciences of wholeness that is characterized by interaction among the components of the system and between the system and the enviornment
general systems theory expanded scientific thought from a simplistic view of direct cause and effect to a more complex and interrelated theory
feedback refers to processes in the family that help identify strengths and needs and determine how well goals are accomplished
family stress theory explains how families react to stressful events and suggests factors that promote adaptation to stress
stressors events that cause stress and have the potential to effect a change in the family social system
resiliency model of family stress, adjustment, and adaptation emphasizes that the stressful situation in not necessarily pathologic or detrimental to the family but demonstrates that the family needs to make fundamental structural or systemic changes to adapt to the situation
developmental theory addresses family change over time using Duvall's family life cycle stages based on the predictable changes in the family's structure, function, and roles w/ the age of the oldest child as the marker for stage transition
Duvall's Stage 1 Marriage and an Independent Home: The joining of Families- reestablish couple identity; realign relationships w/ extended family; make decisions regarding parenthood
Duvall's Stage 2 Families w/ Infants- integrate infants into the family unit; accommodate to new parenting and grandparenting roles; maintain the marital bond
Duvall's Stage 3 Families w/ Preschoolers- socialize children; parents and children adjust to separation
Duvall's Stage 4 Families w/ Schoolchildren- children develop peer relationships; parents adjust to their children's peer and school influences
Duvall's Stage 5 Families w/ Teenagers- adolescents develop increasing autonomy; parents refocus on midlife marital and career issues; parents begin a shift toward concern for the older generation
Duvall's Stage 6 Families as Launching Centers- parents and young adults establish independent identities; parents renegotiate marital relationship
Duvall's Stage 7 Middle Aged Families- reinvest in couple identity w/ concurrent development of independent interests; realign relationships to include in-laws and grandchildren; deal w/ disabilities and the death of the older generation
Duvall's Stage 8 Aging Families- shift from a work role to leisure and semiretirement or full retirement; maintain couple and individual functioning while adapting to the aging process; prepare for own death and dealing w/ the loss of spouse, or siblings, and other peers
family structure called family composition, consists of individuals, each w/ a socially recognized status and position, who interact w/ one another on a regular, recurring basis in socially sanctioned ways
traditional nuclear family consists of a married couple and their biologic children
nuclear family composed of two parents and their children
blended family also called reconstituted family, includes at least one stepparent, stepsibling, or half sibling
extended family includes at least one parent, one or more children and one or more members (related or unrelated) other than a parent or sibling
binuclear family refers to parents continuing the parenting role while terminating the spousal unit
joint custody the court assigns divorcing parents equal rights and responsibilities concerning the minor child or children
polygyny multiple wives
polyandry multiple husbands
sororal societies practice polygyny where the wives are sisters
nonsororal societies practice polygyny where the wives are unrelated
family function refers to the interactions of family members, especially the quality of those relationships and interactions
generational continuity parents rear their own children in much the same way that they themselves were reared
internal resources adaptability and integration are the first type of resource
adaption reflected in learning to be patient, becoming better organized, and becoming more flexible
integration refers to the couple's attempt to continue some activities they engaged in before they became parents
authoritarian parents also called dictatorial, try to control their children's behavior and attitudes through unquestioned mandates; "Bc I said so"
permissive parents exert too little or no control over their children's actions
authoritative parents also called democratic, combine practices from both of the previously described parenting styles
discipline means to teach or refers to a set of rules governing conduct
reasoning involves explaining why an act is wrong and is usually appropriate for older children, especially when moral issues are involved
behavior modification theory behavior that is rewarded will be repeated; behavior that is not rewarded will be extinguished
natural consequences those that occur w/o any intervention, such as being late and having to clean up the dinner table
logical consequences those that are directly related to the rule, such as not being allowed to play w/ another toy until the used ones are put away
unrelated consequences those that are imposed deliberately, such as no playing until hw is completed or the use of time-out
divided/split custody each parent is awarded custody of one or more of the children, thereby separating siblings
joint legal custody the children reside w/ one parent, but both parents are the children's legal guardians, and both participate in childrearing
foster care 24hr substitute care for children outside their own homes
feelings/behaviors of infants r/t divorce effects of reduced mothering or lack of mothering; increased irritability; disturbance in eating, sleeping, & elimination; interference w/ attachment process
feelings/behaviors of early preschool kids (2-3yrs) r/t divorce frightened & confused; blame themselves on divorce; fear of abandonment; increased irritability, whining, tantrums; regressive behaviors; separation anxiety
feelings/behaviors of later preschool kids (3-5yrs) r/t divorce fear of abandonment; blame themselves; decreased self-esteem; bewilderment regarding all human relationships; more aggressive w/ others; engage in fantasy to seek understanding of divorce
feelings/behaviors of early school-age kids (5-6yrs) r/t divorce depression & immature behavior; loss of appetite & sleep disorders; may be able to verbalize some feelings & understand some divorce-r/t changes; increased anxiety & aggression; feelings of abandonment by departing parent
feelings/behaviors of middle school age kids (6-8yr) r/t divorce panic rxns; feelings of deprivation; profound sadness, depression, fear, insecurity; feeling abandoned/rejected; fear of future; difficulty expressing anger; desire to reconcile parents; impaired capacity to play; decline in school performance; see pg38
feelings/behaviors of later school-age kids (8-12yrs) r/t divorce more realistic understanding of divorce; intense anger; divided loyalties; ability to express anger; ashamed of parental behavior; desire for revenge; feeling lonely, rejected, and abandoned; altered peer relationships; decline in school performance;pg38
feelings/behaviors of early school-age kids (5-6yrs) r/t divorce able to disengage self from conflict; feelings of a profound sense or loss; feelings of anxiety; worry about themselves, parents, siblings; expression of anger, sadness, shame, embarrassment; may w/draw from family; disturbed concept of sexuality; act out
Created by: Tdmara86
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