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Chapter 1

Perspectives of Pediatric Nursing

Healthy People 2020 provide a framework for identifying essential components for child health promotion programs designed to prevent future health problems among our nation's children
child health promotion provides opportunities to reduce differences in current health status among members of different groups and ensure equal opportunities and resources to enable children to achieve their fullest health potential
new morbidity also known as pediatric social illness: refers to behavior, social, and educational problems that children face; ie., poverty, violence, aggression, noncompliance, school failure, and adjustment to parental divorce can negatively impact development
obesity a body mass index at or greater than the 95th percentile for youth of the same age and gender
unintentional injuries head injuries, drowning, burns, and firearm accidents
infant mortality rate the number of deaths during the first year of life per 1000 live births
neonatal mortality <28 days if life
postneonatal mortality 28 days- 11 months
autonomy the pts right to be self-governing
nonmaleficence the obligation to minimize or prevent harm
beneficence the obligation to promote the pts well-being
justice the concept of fairness
evidence based practice (EBP) implies questioning why something is effective and whether a better approach exists
clinical reasoning a cognitive process that uses formal and informal thinking to gather and analyze pt data, evaluate the significance of the info, and consider alternative actions
quality of care refers to degree to which health services for individuals and populations increase the likelihood of desired health outcomes and are consistent w/ current professional knowledge
bicycle associated injuries occur more in who? children ages 5 to 9 years
improper use of firearms occur more in who? its the fourth leading cause of death from injury in children 5 to 14 years of age
unintentional poisoning occurs more in who? ages younger than 5 years
motor vehicle injuries are the leading cause of death in who? children older than 1 year
burns occur more in who ages 1 to 14 years
mechanical suffocation occurs more in who infants
Created by: Tdmara86
Popular Nursing sets




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