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Fluids & Electrolyte

Too much fluid in the body is defined as? Hypervolemia
Causes of Hypervolemia (3)? 1. Heart Failure 2. Renal Failure 3. Too much sodium
Steroid (Mineralcorticoid) that aids in the retention of sodium and wanter? Aldosterone
Aldosterone is a mineralcorticoid that? retains sodium and water
Aldosterone is found in? The adrenal glands
Aldosterone secretion increases when? Blood volume gets low
Diseases with too much Aldosterone? Cushings, Hyperaldosteronism
Diseases with too little Aldosterone? Addison’s Disease
What does ANP do? Where is it found? When is it released? excretes Sodium and water, found in the atria of the heart, when the atria stretch
ADH causes the _______ of water. retention
CVP is measured where? In the right atrium
Normal Values for CVP? 2-6mmhg
Goes into the vascular space and stays there? Isotonic Solutions (NS 0.9%, LR, D5NS)
Do not use isotonic solutions in clients with (3)? Heart failure, hypertention, or renal disease
Goes into the vascular space then shifts out into the cells? Hypotonic Solutions (0.5 % NS)
Solution that is PID (Packing with Particles)? Hypertonic Solutions
Draws fluids out of the cells and into the vascular space? Hypertonic Solutions
Magnesium and Calcium act as? sedatives
Magnesium is excreted through the? Kidneys, although can also be lost in the GI tract
Causes of hypermagnesemia? Renal failure and antacids
Magnesium makes you vasodilate or vasoconstrict? Vasodilate
What is the antidote for magnesium? Calcium Gluconate
What is the normal lab value for magnesium? 1.2-2.1mEq/L
What is the normal lab value for calcium? 9.0-10.5 mg/dl
Major cause of hypercalcemia? Too much PTH (hyperparathyroidism)
Three causes of hypercalcemia? Hyperparathyroidism, thiazides, immobilization
S/S of hypercalcemia? Brittle bones and kidney stones
What can aid in decreasing calcium? phosphorus and steroids
What should you check before, during and after mag IV? kidney function
Chvostek sign? Tap cheek and look for twitching
Trouseseau’s sign? pump blood pressure cuff up and look for hand tremors
Normal sodium level? 135-145 mEq/L
Normal potassium levels? 3.5-5.0 mEq/L
ECG changes with HYPOkalemia? U waves, PVS, and v-tach
Potassium has an inverse relationship with? Sodium
Created by: karenmarie927
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