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Multiple Choice

World Geo. C.W.

What are two types of locations geographers use as reference points? a. high and low b. human and physical c. absolute and relative d. population and coastal
An area that is called a formal region. a. has boundaries determined by a common characteristic b. includes people who speak a variety of languages c.has different types of transportation systems d. includes both rural and urban populations
Why are maps useful to geographers? a. a great deal of statistical info can be stored on a map b. maps can show the history of a country at a glance c. there are many different types of maps d.maps can show some info better than writing can
The divides the earth into the northern and southern hemisphere. a. international dateline b. prime meridian c. tropic of cancer d. equator
What is meant by the term relative location? a. the exact spot at which a place is found on the globe b. the location of a place in relation to other places c. the location of a place unrelated to other places d. he distance of a place from the prime meridian
Which of the following is not part of the grid system? a. lines of longitude b. lines of location c. the prime meridian d. the eqautor
What name is given to the study of the connections between people and their physical environment? a. people-place reactions b. animal-location relationship c. human-environment interaction d.geography-location interaction
The study of is called physical geography. a. the movement of the earths population b.the earths physical features c. both the physical and the human features of the earth d. political, cultural, and economic factors around the world
What is another term for human geography? a. relative location b. physical geography c. cultural geography d. statistical geography
Geographers use a grid system in order to? a. identify the precise location of any place on earth determine the number of people living in a given area c. provide information for historians d. calculate the elevation of mountains and the depth of oceans
When we say that a city is located at 120 degrees East, we mean that it's located? a. west of the prime meridian b. east of the prime meridian c. north of the equator d. east of the equator
What is the highest point on earth? a. Mount Whitney b. the eastern highlands of Africa c. Mount Denali d. Mount Everest
Erosion is the wearing away of the earths? a. inner core by tectonic activity b. surface by wind, glaciers, and moving water c. mantle by the forces of magma and gravity d. crust by the pull of the sun and the moon
The water cycle shows us that earths water? a.moves around the earth and is decreasing each year b.moves around the earth and increasing each year c.moves around the earth but maintains a constant consistent amount of water d.does not move around the earth but maintains a constant total amount
Three types of are seas, gulfs, and bays. a. oceans b. cloud formations c. landforms d. bodies of water
Four major types of landforms are? a. mountains, hills, plateaus, and plains b. oceans, rivers, lakes and streams c. geysers, hot springs, snowfields and cliffs d. cities, towns, villages, and counties
The is the deepest known depression. a. pacific plate b. dead sea c. mariana trench d. isthmus of panama
What do many scientists believe about the earths continents? a. they were pulled apart over a period of 1 or 2 centuries b. they were pushed together over millions of years c. they were once joined in a super continent d. they look the same today as millions of years ago
Cracks in the earths crust are called? a. moraines b. continental shelves c. plates d. faults
Surrounding the inner core of the earth is? a. a liquid outer core b. a solid outer core c. the crust d. the mantle
What is magma? a. the solid rock at the earths crust b. part of the earths solid crust c. molten rock within the earth d. solid rock of iron and nickel
Physical Weathering takes place when? a. large masses of rock are welded together by volcanic action b.large masses of rock or broken into smaller pieces c. chemicals slowly break down rocks over many years d.wind blows dirt away from rocks
What are the three layers of the earth? a. ground air and water b. core mantle crust c. water mantle crust d. core mantle air
In which month do equinoxes take place? a. june and december b. october and april c. july and january d. march and september
Because of the tilt of the earth? a. not all places receive the same amount of light at one time b. there is a lack of light in equador at the winter solstice c. the polar areas are dark for the entire summer d. all of the above
Th earth rotates on its axis one time each? a. day b. week c. month d. year
The seasons result from? a. the moons revolution and its tilt in relation to earth b. the earths rotation and its tilt in relation to the sun c. the earths revolution and its tilt in relation to the sun d.the movement of continents due to continental drift
The causes day and night. a. revolution of the earth b. rotation of the earth c. orbit of the earth d. earths gravity
Renewable resources are those that? a. can be used up over time b. can be replaced c. are of very little value d. can be made usable only through modern technology
Cities and their surrounding areas are known as? a. urban towns b. city regions c. metropolitan areas d. suburbs
A monarchy is a form of government in which? a. the government is run by the people b. a king or a queen has chief control of the state c. an elected parliament makes all the laws d. there are no laws
Cultural hearths are places where? a. where people first discovered fire b. the youngest civilization began c. early centers of civilization influenced their surroundings d. the information revolution first took place
Communism is a command economy with? a. very strict controls b. few or no controls c. decision making power in the hands of individual businesses d. a very strong free enterprise system
What part did glaciers play in forming the great lakes? a. glaciers melted in upstream rivers and streams b. glaciers forced the crust upward c. glaciers carved basins out of bedrock d. glaciers froze the top soil
What kind of climate does Hawaii have? a. subtropical b. tropical c. marine west coast d. desert
Climate regions vary with changes in elevation and? a. latitude b. longitude c. soil condition d. geographical features
The French speaking province of is interested in gaining independence from Canada. a. nunavut b. quebec c. alberta d. montreal
In the 1800's opened up the western united states to immigration and business. a. the transcontinental railrode b. the underground railroad c. Route 66 d. cattle farming
Most people in the united states and canada are or their descendants. a. immigrants b. republicans c. suburbs d. Native Americans
Which nation sold to the united states the largest tract of land west of the mississippi? a. spain b. england c. france d. russia
Most people in the united states? a. would like emigrate to another country b. enjoy one of the highest standards of living in the world c. are worse off economically than most europeans d. have barely enough to eat
What name is given to a system of trade in which individuals can operate and profit from business? a. communism b. free market economy c. surplus d. monopoly
Which countries are included in nafta? a. canada, and the u.s. b. canada, the u.s. and mexico c. canada the u.s. and europe D. the u.s. and mexico
The mountains on the western edge of south america are the? a. sierra madre b. rocky mountains c. andes d. western highlands
Latin america includes middle america the caribbean and? a. mexico b. el salvador c. cuba d. south america
The atacama desert is one of the places in the world. a. wettest b. coldest c. driest d. most populated
The pampas consist primarily of? a. grasslands b. forests c. deserts d. rain forests
Patagonia is at the southern end of? a. the caribbean b. south america c. middle america d. brazil
The river is the western hemispheres longest river. a. rio grande b. amazon c. parana d. uruguay
The amazon basin contains the worlds largest? a. water supply b. rain forest c. mountain d. lake
The europeans who claimed part of the americas for spain were called? a. chinampas b. caudillos c. viceroys d. conquistadors
A is artwork that is painted directly onto a wall. a. mural b. mariachi c. jai alai d. mola
What is the best known festival in all of Latin america? a. bolivar day b. carnival c. cinco de mayo d. thanksgiving
What was the official religion of the spanish colonists? a. catholocism b. judaism c. santeria d. protestantism
The indiginous Latin american empires were? a. maya, inca and spanish b. maya, aztec inca c. mexican, haitian, brazilian d. aztec, spanish, toltec
Who was simon bolivar? a. a painter who lived in bolivia b. a spanish colonial leader in venezuela c. a mexican revolutionary leader d. a venezuelan revolution
was the first latin american country to gain its independence. a. mexico b. brazil c. cuba d. haiti
Diego Rivera was a well known mexican ? a. revolutionary leader b. painter c. writer d. muscician
Africans first came to Latin america as? a. willing workers in search of better jobs b.conquerors looking for new sources of wealth c. tourists and missionaries d. enslaved workers brought by europeans
Where was the aztec city of technotititlan located? a. halfway between the mayan and incan empires b. on what is today mexico city c. in northern brazil, on the banks of the amazon river d. on the eastern coast of mexico
Maquiladoras benefit foreign corporations by allowing them to? a. hire high cost labor b. hire low cost labor c.produce taxable exports d. produce duty free imports
Nafta reduced trade restrictions between which countries? a. Brazil mexico and argentina b. mexico united states and panama c. mexico island nations of the caribbean and bolivia d. canada the u.s. or mexico
Created by: Melissa.Whitelaw
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