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Physical 1 of the 7 components of wellness
Social 1 of the 7 components of wellness
Emotional 1 of the 7 components of wellness
Environmental 1 of the 7 components of wellness
Occupational 1 of the 7 components of wellness
Spiritual 1 of the 7 components of wellness
Intellectual 1 of the 7 components of wellness
Ability to carry out daily tasks, achieve fitness, maintain nutrition, avoid drug use, ETOH, or tobacco, and practice positive lifestyle habits. Physical
Ability to interact successfully with people and within the environment of which each person is a part, to develop intimacy, and develop respect and tolerance for those with other beliefs. Social
Ability to manage stress and to express emotions appropriately Emotional
Ability to learn and to use information effectively for personal, family, and career development Intellectual
Belief in some force that serves to unite humans and provide meaning and purpose Spiritual
Ability to achieve balance between work and leisure time. Occupational
Ability to promote health measures that improve the standard of living and quality of life in the community (food, water, and air). Environmental
Acute illness usually short duration and severe; symptoms appear abruptly, are intense, and often subside after a short period of time.
Chronic illness persists, usually longer than 6 months. Affects functioning in any dimension. There may be relapses and periods of maximal functioning. Remission occurs when the symptoms disappear. Exacerbation is when the symptoms reappear.
Illness Behavior –how people monitor their bodies, define and interpret their symptoms, take remedial action, and use the health care system when ill.
Impact on body image body image is the subjective concept of physical appearance. Body image can change with illness. The adjustment to change is body image comes in phases – shock, withdrawal, acknowledgement, acceptance, and rehabilitation.
Behavioral and emotional changes severe illness can lead to extensive emotional and behavioral changes (anxiety, shock, denial, anger, withdrawal).
Impact on Self-concept a person’s mental image of strengths and weaknesses in all aspects of personality. can change because of illness. may no longer be able to meet family expectations and this can lead to tension and conflict.
Impact on Family roles roles may change due to illness. Role reversal may occur. Family roles may change.
Impact on family dynamics family activities and decision making may cease as family members are reluctant to assume the ill person’s roles and responsibilities. Family dynamics may need to change as a result of an illness.
Biologic genetics, sex, age, developmental level
Psychologic mind-body interactions (how emotions affect your actions), self-concept (how do you feel about yourself)
Cognitive lifestyle choices, risk factors, spiritual and religious beliefs
Environment 2nd hand smoke, sun, x-rays, acid rain, greenhouse effect, global warming
Standards of living health, morbidity, mortality, occupational exposures
Family and cultural beliefs interactions within family and community
Social support networks family, friends, confidants
Illness Prevention protect the client from actual or potential threats to health, such as through immunizations. The client is motivated to take part in these activities to avoid declines in health/functioning.
Wellness an ongoing, dynamic process of striving to achieve optimal health
Wellness Education teaches the client how to care for himself in a healthy way (topics such as self-awareness, stress management, self-responsibility). Health education helps the client achieve a new understanding and control of his/her life.
Client is motivated to act positively to reach a more stable level of health. Health promotion activities
help the client maintain/enhance present level of health (such as through routine exercise and good nutrition). Health promotion activities
Passive strategies are those gained from the actions of others such as fluoridation of drinking water. Health promotion activities
Active strategies are those that the client participates in of their own volition such as exercise and smoking cessation. Health promotion activities
Perceived susceptibility do you feel that you are at higher risk from family history?
Perceived seriousness How serious do you feel the risk is in the general public?
Perceived threat: How serious do you feel the risk is to you?
Demographic variables age, sex, race, and ethnicity
Sociopsychologic variables social pressure or influence from peers or other reference groups
Structural variables knowledge about the target disease and prior contact with it
Cues to action internal or external (did someone remind you or do you just care enough to remember?)
Perceived benefits of action
Sensory-perceptual alteration Impaired touch, hearing, taste, smell, vision
Cognitive awareness Ability to perceive environmental stimuli Impaired awareness
Emotional state Extreme emotions can alter perceptions
Ability to communicate Diminished ability to receive and convey info Aphasia, language barriers, unable to read
Culture Language barriers Social and physical behaviors
Complementary and alternative medicine Assess for safety “Natural” does not guarantee safety
Safety awareness Information crucial to safety Information about, water, car, and fire safety
S. B. A. R Situation Background Assessment Recommendation
Situation Identify yourself (employee of Interim Healthcare) and the Site you are calling from Identify the patient by name, DOB, Age, Sex, reason for report Describe reason for phone call
Background Give the patient’s Presenting Complaint Give the patient’s relevant Past Medical History Brief summary of background
Assessment Vital Signs—HR, RR, O₂ Sats, BP, Temp, AVPU (Alert, Voice, Pain, Unresponsive) List if any VS are outside of parameters, Clinical Impression Severity of Patient, Additional Concerns
Recommendation Explanation of what you require, how urgent, and when action needs to be taken Make suggestions of what action is to be taken Clarify what action you expect to be taken
SBAR means A communication framework used to structure conversation about patient care and information between caregivers when the patient care is “handed off” to another health care provider.
Droplet Clients known to have, suspected of having serious illness transmitted by particle droplets larger than 5 microns
Airborne clients know to have, or suspected of having serious illness transmitted by airborne droplet smaller than 5 microns
Contact Used for clients who are known or suspected to have serious illnesses that are easily transmitted by direct client contact, contact with items in client’s environment
Physical restraints manual, physical, or mechanical device, material, or equipment; attached to client body; not removed easily; restricts client movement
Chemical restraints medications used to control socially disruptive behavior
Specific Values Code of Ethics, NSNA Code of Academic and Clinical conduct Be familiar with this! Especially #16—”optimal level of personal health”
Goal instill norms, values, attitudes, behaviors deemed necessary for survival of profession
DRGs diagnosis-related groups
diagnosis-related groups pre-treatment diagnosis billing categories. Have to send pts home sooner or loose money. Only the acutely ill are hospitalized now.
Created by: ED.
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