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de5 of
shi4 be
yi1 a
zai4 in
le5 the
bu4 not
wo3 i
ge4 a
you3 have, there be
ta1 he
zhe4 this
shuo1 say
jiu4 on
ren2 people
shang4 on
he2 and
ye3 also
ni3 you
le5 p: change
yao4 want, order
dao4 go to, reach, arrive
dui4 to
hai2 still, yet
dou1 all
da4 large
我们 wo3men5 we
zhe5 the
hao3 good
zhong1 kind, type
zhong1 within
neng2 can
ta1 she
liang3 two
ba3 grammar structure
hui4 can, know how to do
di4 p: adv
na4 that
hen3 very
kan4 look
qu4 go
他们 ta1men5 they
cong2 from
自己 zi4ji3 oneself
de5 p: complement
什么 shen2me5 what
you4 again
di4 prefix: ordinal numbers
nian2 in
er2 and, yet
chu1 out, produce
这个 zhe4ge5 this
san1 three
lai2 aux: preceding verb
ci4 mw:
duo1 many
xiang3 think
bei4 p: passive marker
zui4 most
li3 in
gei3 to
dan4 but
ji1 several
lai2 come
xia4 under
wei2 for, because of
xiao3 small
hou4 after
yong4 use
duo1 many, much
可以 ke3yi3 can
zhi1 only
问题 wen4ti2 question
deng3 wait
没有 mei2you3 have not
guo4 aux: indic experience
zuo4 do
yi3 by means of, according to
shi2 time when
rang4 give way
er4 two
这样 zhe4yang4 this, so
ke3 but, yet
geng4 adv [comparative]
zhi1 like de: of
zou3 walk
ta1 it
zai4 again
yu3 with
ne5 p: indic mood
知道 zhi1dao4 know
tian1 day
wei4 mw: respectable people
cai2 just
现在 xian4zai4 now
yu2 in, at
ge4 each
wei2 be, act as
工作 gong1zuo4 work
因为 yin1wei4 because
xiang4 to
已经 yi3jing1 already
bing4 and
时候 shi2hou5 when
这些 zhe4xie1 these
guo2 country
gao1 high
没有 mei2you3 not
shi4 thing
发展 fa1zhan3 develop
cheng2 become
men5 they
xin1 new
suo3 aux: nominal structure
社会 she4hui4 society
一些 yi1xie1 some
ma5 p: question
yu3 and
mei2 not
ba5 it
da3 hit
qian2 before, in front of
如果 ru2guo3 if
yi3 already
使 shi3 make, cause
hua4 words
世界 shi4jie4 world
生活 sheng1huo2 live
si4 four
怎么 zen3me5 how
bi3 than [comaprison]
jiang1 will
jia1 home
xiang4 look like, resemble
jiao4 call
国家 guo2jia1 country
qi3 get up
chi1 eat
yue4 month
开始 kai1shi3 start
quan2 whole
wan2 finish
时间 shi2jian1 time
起来 qi5lai5 up
今天 jin1tian1 today
he2 and
ting1 listen
lao3 old
可能 ke3neng2 might
孩子 hai2zi5 children
que4 but
tai4 too
shi2 ten
地方 di4fang5 place
you2 by, from
但是 dan4shi4 but
所以 suo3yi3 so
tiao2 mw: long, thin things
qian2 money
mei3 each
认为 ren4wei2 think
经济 jing1ji4 economy
公司 gong1si1 company
文化 wen2hua4 culture
wen4 ask
关系 guan1xi4 relationship
觉得 jue2de5 feel
dian3 mw: small qtys
shei2 who
出来 chu5lai5 come out
进行 jin4xing2 carry out, perform
重要 zhong4yao4 important
wu3 five
chang2 long
zheng4 precisely
这么 zhe4me5 so
情况 qing2kuang4 situation
xie3 write
这里 zhe4li3 here
你们 ni3men5 you
zhao3 look for
gen1 with
er2 child
jiang3 tell, talk
nuu3 female
而且 er2qie3 (not only) … but also
kai1 open
dian3 point
qi2 its
企业 qi3ye4 enterprise
jin4 advance
mei2 have not
ming2 mw: persons
方面 fang1mian4 aspect
na2 take
那么 na4me5 in that way
应该 ying1gai1 should
发现 fa1xian4 find
dang1 just at (time or place)
大家 da4jia1 everyone
zhu4 stay or live somewhere
jian4 see
jiang1 will
sui4 years
dai4 band
yuan2 yuan
shui3 water
为了 wei4le5 to
东西 dong1xi5 stuff
nin2 you
di4 ground
看到 kan4dao4 see
tong2 with
gan4 work
历史 li4shi3 history
jia1 home
zhang1 zhang
非常 fei1chang2 very
hui2 return
jian4 item
那个 na4ge5 that
zhen1 really
a5 ah
huo4 or
wu2 no
ci3 this
成为 cheng2wei2 become
最后 zui4hou4 final
人民 ren2min2 people
shou3 hand
ai4 love
之后 zhi1hou4 after
研究 yan2jiu1 research
政府 zheng4fu3 government
先生 xian1sheng5 mr.
nei4 within
wai4 outside
人们 ren2men5 people
ban4 half
si3 dead
一直 yi1zhi2 has been
shu1 book
fang4 put
特别 te4bie2 special
记者 ji4zhe3 reporter
tan2 talk
tou2 head
需要 xu1yao4 need
以后 yi3hou4 later
发生 fa1sheng1 occur
出现 chu1xian4 appear
xian1 first
一起 yi1qi3 together
国际 guo2ji4 international
一定 yi1ding4 certain
ru2 as
ju4 sentence
许多 xu3duo1 many
shao3 less
希望 xi1wang4 hope
大学 da4xue2 university
xin1 heart
zuo4 do
然后 ran2hou4 then
必须 bi4xu1 must
事情 shi4qing5 thing
mai3 buy
为什么 wei4shen2me5 why
qing3 please
ban4 do
教育 jiao4yu4 educate
zhe3 -ist, -er
nan2 difficult
当时 dang1shi2 at that time
jiu4 on
之间 zhi1jian1 between
当然 dang1ran2 of course
xue2 study
学校 xue2xiao4 school
zuo4 sit
告诉 gao4su5 tell
jian4 mw: rooms
ben3 this
gai1 the mentioned
xia4 come down
便 bian4 soon afterwards
ba1 eight
zi4 from
gao3 do
guo4 live
所有 suo3you3 all
活动 huo2dong4 move about for exercise
jiu4 regarding
ya1 yeah
学生 xue2sheng5 student
那些 na4xie1 those
fu4 deputy, associate, vice-
lu4 be, act as
不同 bu4tong2 different
通过 tong1guo4 by means of
虽然 sui1ran2 though
ye3 also
fa3 send out, give out
朋友 peng2you5 friend
市场 shi4chang3 market
得到 de2dao4 get
shou4 receive
kuai4 mw: thick pieces
政治 zheng4zhi4 political
xie1 some
duan4 section
过去 guo4qu5 past
地区 di4qu1 area
思想 si1xiang3 thought, idea
很多 hen3duo1 many
xia4 mw: counting actions
精神 jing1shen5 spirit
参加 can1jia1 participate
ji2 and
就是 jiu4shi4 is
zao3 early
比较 bi3jiao4 relatively
chang2 mw: occurences or sports events
其他 qi2ta1 other
song4 send
bian4 change
完全 wan2quan2 complete
由于 you2yu2 due to
bie4 don't
zi4 character
能够 neng2gou4 be able to
后来 hou4lai2 time afterwards
liu4 six
影响 ying3xiang3 influence
领导 ling3dao3 leadership
de2 get
任何 ren4he2 any
准备 zhun3bei4 ready
电话 dian4hua4 phone
其实 qi2shi2 in fact
che1 car
a5 ah
wang3 toward
其中 qi2zhong1 among
城市 cheng2shi4 city
办法 ban4fa3 method
管理 guan3li3 manage
yue4 the more … the more …
下来 xia4lai5 descend
解决 jie3jue2 solve
技术 ji4shu4 technology
学习 xue2xi2 learn
dang1; dang4 work as; regard as
喜欢 xi3huan5 like
shen1 body
zhe5 move in chess
作为 zuo4wei2 regard as
ceng2 once, happened previously
kuai4 fast
对于 dui4yu2 regarding, as to
sheng1 give birth to
ying1; ying4 should; respond, comply
jin4 near
决定 jue2ding4 decide
zhi1 know
lian2 even
一切 yi1qie4 all
或者 huo4zhe3 or
ze2 then
同时 tong2shi2 simultaneously
提出 ti2chu1 propose
了解 liao3jie3 understand
别人 bie2ren5 other people
如何 ru2he2 how
个人 ge4ren2 individual
bai3 hundred
zhan4 stand
suan4 calculate, regard as
la5 la
gei3 give
方式 fang1shi4 style of doing things
pian4 mw: flat, thin pieces
zhi4 arrive, reach
以及 yi3ji2 as well as
有些 you3xie1 some
环境 huan2jing4 environment
老师 lao3shi1 teacher
xiao4 laugh
qi1 seven
因此 yin1ci3 therefore
结果 jie2guo3 result
有人 you3ren2 someone
一般 yi1ban1 generaly
fang1 square, direction
包括 bao1kuo4 include
fen1 differentiate
继续 ji4xu4 continue
回来 hui2lai5 return
表示 biao3shi4 express
pao3 run
会议 hui4yi4 meeting
成功 cheng2gong1 successful
一样 yi1yang4 like
能力 neng2li4 ability
可是 ke3shi4 but
机会 ji1hui4 opportunity
同志 tong2zhi4 comrade, [recent] gay person
yin1 because of, according to
有的 you3de5 some
qiang2 powerful
民族 min2zu2 nationality
tian1 day
bu4 mw: machines, films
多少 duo1shao5 how much
整个 zheng3ge4 whole
过程 guo4cheng2 process
改革 gai3ge2 reform
xiang1 each other
家庭 jia1ting2 family
穿 chuan1 wear
条件 tiao2jian4 condition
认识 ren4shi5 understand
目前 mu4qian2 currently
人员 ren2yuan2 staff
要求 yao1qiu2 ask for
ling4 other
进入 jin4ru4 enter
作用 zuo4yong4 effect, function
gan3 dare
jin1 gold
甚至 shen4zhi4 even
diao4 drop
一样 yi1yang4 same
wan4 ten thousand
la1 pull
人类 ren2lei4 human being, mankind
表现 biao3xian4 manifest, behave
fen4 mw: portion, share
dui4 correct, side across from
qi3 starting from
xiang4 mw: item, facts
原因 yuan2yin1 reason
建设 jian4she4 build
bian1 edge, side
guan3 take care of, care about
感到 gan3dao4 feel
感觉 gan3jue2 feeling
ru4 enter
不要 bu4yao4 must not
十分 shi2fen1 very
部队 bu4dui4 troops
有关 you3guan1 have something to do with
父亲 fu4qin1 father
pa4 fear
yuan3 far
不断 bu4duan4 unceasingly
儿子 er2zi5 son
an4 according to
接受 jie1shou4 accept
mian4 surface, wheat
mi3 meter
注意 zhu4yi4 note
年代 nian2dai4 decade
世纪 shi4ji4 century
na3 which
不过 bu4guo4 but
主要 zhu3yao4 main
存在 cun2zai4 exist
nan2 male
建立 jian4li4 establish
kao4 depend upon
zuo4 seat
努力 nu3li4 strive
men2 door
相信 xiang1xin4 believe
组织 zu3zhi1 organization
reng2 still
chu3 place, department
介绍 jie4shao4 introduce
zhi1 mw: one of a pair
mou3 some
清楚 qing1chu5 clear
gang1 barely, just now
母亲 mu3qin1 mother
代表 dai4biao3 representative
只要 zhi3yao4 if
于是 yu2shi4 thereupon, and so
来说 lai2shuo1 from xyz's viewpoint
内容 nei4rong2 content
shan1 mountain
gen1 follow
ji4 now that, as well as
艺术 yi4shu4 art
产生 chan3sheng1 generate
fan3 oppose
man3 full
女人 nuu3ren5 woman
mai4 sell
干部 gan4bu4 cadre
主席 zhu3xi2 chairman
生产 sheng1chan3 to produce
对方 dui4fang1 other side
生命 sheng1ming4 life
具有 ju4you3 have, possess
di1 low
基本 ji1ben3 basic
那样 na4yang4 in that way
传统 chuan2tong3 tradition
提高 ti2gao1 improve
农民 nong2min2 farmer
时代 shi2dai4 age, times, a period in life
zi3 child
主要 zhu3yao4 principally
男人 nan2ren2 man
意义 yi4yi4 significance
dui4 team
单位 dan1wei4 unit
jun1 army
今年 jin1nian2 this year
he1 drink
直接 zhi2jie1 direct
dang3 party
心里 xin1li5 in one's heart
zhen1 genuine
zong3 always
水平 shui3ping2 level
hao4 mw: kind, sort
ling4 order
关于 guan1yu2 about
行为 xing2wei2 behavior
经过 jing1guo4 via, as a result of
ma5 p: obvious, express hope
hong2 red
wei4 not (yet)
部门 bu4men2 department
它们 ta1men5 they
zhi3 refer to, point to
保护 bao3hu4 protect
支持 zhi1chi2 support
jiao4 relatively
咱们 zan2men5 we
中央 zhong1yang1 center, central authorities
提供 ti2gong1 provide
ju4 according to
zhua1 grab, arrest
lian3 face
ya1 ah, oh
tao4 mw: set, suite
受到 shou4dao4 receive
根据 gen1ju4 according to
下去 xia4qu4 go down
形成 xing2cheng2 to form or make
quan2 all
基础 ji1chu3 basis
愿意 yuan4yi4 willing
知识 zhi1shi5 knowledge
合作 he2zuo4 cooperate
首先 shou3xian1 first
政策 zheng4ce4 policy
晚上 wan3shang5 in the evening
jiu3 nine
那里 na4li5 there
几乎 ji1hu1 almost
小时 xiao3shi2 hour
变化 bian4hua4 change
bu4 step
bao4 newspaper
她们 ta1men5 they
之一 zhi1yi1 one of
容易 rong2yi4 easy
而是 er2shi4 but, rather
经验 jing1yan4 experience
身体 shen1ti3 body
妈妈 ma1ma5 mom
ji2 is, that is
计划 ji4hua4 plan
不仅 bu4jin3 not only
方法 fang1fa3 method
制度 zhi4du4 (political or administrative) system
qi4 gas
选择 xuan3ze2 select
中心 zhong1xin1 center
改变 gai3bian4 change
zhan4 take, occupy
考虑 kao3luu4 consider
高兴 gao1xing4 happy
xin4 letter
家里 jia1li3 home
同学 tong2xue2 classmate
作品 zuo4pin3 work (of art)
时期 shi2qi1 period in time
ding4 decide, subscribe
实现 shi2xian4 achieve
以前 yi3qian2 before
法律 fa3luu4 law
4 mw: category
每天 mei3tian1 every day
战争 zhan4zheng1 war
qing1 clear
利益 li4yi4 benefit
bing4 illness
Created by: jamesdg
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