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LWW Respiratory

Lower Respiratory Disorders

Acute bronchitis Inflammation of the mucous membranes that line the major bronchi and their branches
Acute bronchitis begins as URI
Suggested Tx for acute bronchitis bed rest, antipyretics, expectorants, antitussives, and increased fluids
Overuse of antitussives pooling of secretions
Inflammatory process affecting the bronchioles and alveoli Pneumonia
When alveoli involved what is compromised? Gas exchange
empyema collection of pus in the pleural cavity
What age is the pneumococcal pneumonia vaccination suggested? 50 yrs and older
Symptoms of bacterial pneumonia Fever, chills, productive cough, RUST COLORED SPUTUM,
Slow pulse and respiratory rates, more copious sputum Symptoms of viral pneumonia
Pleurisy Acute inflammation of the parietal and visceral pleurae
Curse sound heard during inspiration and early expiration Friction rub with pleurisy
pleural effusion abnormal collection of fluid between the visceral and parietal pleurae
Volume of fluid between pleurae to prevent friction 5-15 mL
Localize area of pus formation in the lung parenchyma lung abscess
Result of chronic lung abscess Finger clubbing
Death rates from pneumonia and cardiovascular disease rise during a _____ epidemic flu
Complications of influenza Tracheobronchitis, bacterial pneumonia, and cardiovascular disease. MOST SERIOUS Staphylococcal pneumonia
Created by: Dynia06
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