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M29 Grief & Loss

NUR 111 Module 29 Grief & Loss

Define: Loss Valued person object or situation is changed or removed
Types of loss Actual, Perceived Physical, Psychological Situational, Anticipatory
Define: Actual loss Seen by self & others ex: loss of limb ex: loss of job
Define: Perceived loss Loss of youth, financial independence, environment. Experienced by person but not to others
Define: Physical loss Ex: Loss of arm (may also have psychological loss)
Define: Psychological loss Altered self image
Define: Situational loss Loss from unpredictable Ex: natural disaster, PTSD
Define: anticipatory loss Loss or grief behaviors for loss that has not yet occurred Ex: anticipated death of parent
Define: Grief Emotional part of grief
Defing: Mourning Behavioral part of grief
Define: bereavement Subjective response experienced after death of loved one
Kubler-Ross states of grieving Denial & isolation Anger Bargaining (would bargain to chg situation) Depression Acceptance
Define: Medical critera for death Cessation of breathing No response deep painful stimuli Lack of reflexes (gag, corneal, etc)
Signs of impending death Loss muscle tone Slowing of circulation Respiratory changes Sensory changes
Define: hospice Symptomatic care, not curative
Define: palliative Aggressive symptomatic care of "whole" person
Advanced directives DNR - do not resuscitate Living will - patient's wishes for trt Durable POA - legal subst decision maker
Define: active\passive euthanasia Active - direct action to end patient's life Passive - withholding something that causes patient to doe
Age at which children are able to understand permanency of death 6-9 yo
Pearson p 610 table 12-5 needs cards
Possible nursing diagnoses Anticipatory grieving Complicated grieving Death Anxiety Acute or chronic pain Fear Risk for compromised human dignity Risk for caregiver role strain Risk for loneliness Ineffective coping Interrupted family processes
Define: Complicated grieving Extended time of denial Depression Severe physical symptoms Suicidal thoughts
Post death changes Rigor mortis: 2-4h later body stiff Algor mortis: body temp decr to room temp Livor mortis: tissue discoloration in dependent areas Loss of skin elasticity Liquefaction of body tissues
Post mortem care Supine, pillow, close eye, dentures/close mouth, clean soiled areas, clean gown, brush hair, sheet, family comfort, remove supplies, remove tubes - etc, chux under butt, valuables - policy, ID stays, body to morgue/funeral home, shroud body, document
Created by: mojoshare
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