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excelisor NC1

Stack #139576

strategies for nursing exams 1. consider adpie 2. Maslows 3. pt safety 4. therapeutic communication
situational exam questions nursing process- whats the next step
? that ask for needs of the pt use maslows
? c situations that are not urgent physiologic needs consider safety
If a ? involves comm c pt use principles of theraputic comm
If ? asks what action should be taken next ADPIE
nursing dx a systematic rational method of planning and providing nursing care(ADPIE)
Assessing collecting, organizing, validating , documenting data
Diagnosing Analyze data, identify health prob risks and strengths, formulate dx statements
planning Priotrize problems and diagnosis, formulate goals/desired outcomes, slelect interventins, write nursing orders
Implementing nsg interventions, supervise delegated care and document nsg activities
evaluating collect data rt outcomes, compare data c outcomes, rt nsg actions to client goals/outcomes, draw conclusion about prob status, continue, modify or terminate the clients care plan
creativity thinking that results in the development of new ideas and products
critical analysis the application of a set of quesions to a particular situation or idea to determine essential inform and ideas and siscard superflous inform and ideas
critical thinking is a cognitive process that includes creativity problem solving and decision making
decision making the process of establishing criteria by which alternative courses of action are developed and selected
deductive reasoning making specific observations from a generalization
inductive reasoning making generalizations from specific data
Intuition the understanding or learning of things sthe conscious use of reasoning
nursing process a systematic rational method of planning and providing nursing care
problem solving obtaining information that clarifies the nature of the problem and suggests possible solutions
socratic questioning technique one can use to look beneat the surface, recognize and examine assumptions, search for inconsistencies, examine multiple points of view and differentiate what one knows from what one merely believes
skills and of critical thinking critical analysis, inductive reasoning, deductive reasoning, making valid inferences, differentating facts from opinons, evaluating the credibility of info sources, clarifying concepts, recognizing assumptions
attitudes of critical thinking independence, fair-mindedness, insight, intellectual humility, intellectual courage, integrity, perservence, confidence, curiosity
signifiance of critical thinking for safe nursing care make a difference, new problems need new thinking, results, rapid chg, pt and family involvement, pt sicker, things chg.
inferences interpretations or conclusions made based on cues or observed data
assessing process of collecting, organizing, validating and recording data about a clients health status
closed questions restrictive question requiring a short answer
cues any piece of info or data that influences decisions
database all the info about a pt
directive interview highly structured interview that uses closed ? to elicit specific info
objective data info that is dectable by an observer, can be tested, seen heard, felt, smelled
signs overt data, objective
symptoms covert data, subjective
subjective data apparent to the person affected, can be described or verified
dependent functions dr ordered
etiology casual relationship btw a problema nd its related risk factors
independent functions nursing functions
PES Format Problem, etiology of the problem, defining characteristics(s/s)
taxonomy classification system or set of categories arranged on teh bases of a single principle or set of principles
types of nursing dx actual(present) Risk(risk factors) wellness(ready for enchancement) Possible(incomplete/unclear) syndrome(cluster of s/s)
Maslow's 1. physiologic needs(food, water) 2. safety and security 3. love and belonging 4. self-esteem 5. self-actualization
Assignment downward or lateral transfer of both responisbility and accountability of an activity from one person to another
collaborative care plans multidisciplinary guidelines for client care based on specific medical dx designed to achieve predetermined outcomes
concept map a visual tool in which ideas or data are enclosed in circles or boxes, creative endeavors
critical pathways sequence of the care that must be given on each day during the length of stay
dependent interventions dr. orders(meds, iv, diet, tests, tx, activities)
goals/desired outcomes observable client responses
Independent interventions activities that nurses are licensed to initate on the basis of their knowledge and skills
Indicator cue for measuring outcome
NOC nursing outcomes classification, describing client outcomes that respond to nursing interventions
nursing interventions any tx, based upon clinical judgement and knowledge that nurse performs to enhance pt outcomes
NIC nursing inberventions classification, taxonomy of nursing actions each of which includes a label, a definition, and a list of activities
3 levels of NIC domans, classes and interventions
policies instutional records
procedures steps to carry out policies
protocols actions commony required for a particular group of clients
rationale scientific principle given as the reason for selecting a particular nursing intervention
initial planning on admission
ongoing planning begining of shift and continous
discharge planning needs after discharge
activities in the planning process nurse and client develop goals, desired outcomes and nursing interventions to prevent, reduce or alleviate pts health problems
guidelines for writing care plans date and sign, use category headings, use abbrev, be specific, refer to sources, tailor to pt, preventive and health maint goals, collaborative and coordination activities, dsch and home care needs
factors that the nurse must consider when setting priorties clients health values and beliefs, priorities of client, resources avail, urgency, med tx plan
purpose of estab client goals/desired outcomes what is to be achieved, measureable
audit exam or review of records
cognitive skills intellectual skills) problem solving,decision making, critical thinking, creativity
concurrent audit audit while sitll receiving care
restrospective audit audit after discharge
evaluation statement 2 parts, conclusion and supporting data
outcome evaluation demonstrable changes in the clients health status as a result of nursing care
process evaluation how care was given
structure eval setting where care was given
Popular Nursing sets




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