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Mental Health


loss of the ability to recognize objects, persons, sounds, shapes, or smells while the specific sense is not defective nor is there any significant memory loss Agnosia
____is a loss of the ability to produce and/or comprehend language Aphasia
loss of the ability to execute or carry out learned purposeful movements, despite having the desire and the physical ability to perform the movements Apraxia
generalization by reducing the information content of a concept or an observable phenomenon Abstract
confusion of imagination with memory, and/or the confusion of true memories with false memories. Confabulation
is the progressive decline in cognitive function Dementia
is the mental capacity to control and purposefully apply one's own mental skills Executive functioning
What does mental status exam include? judgment, insight, memory, intellect
What does a mini-mental status exam include? orientation, registration, attn/calc., memory, language
What is it called when a depressed person mistaken for dementia? pseudodementia
T/F recent memory goes away first with dementia False. Recent memory goes away first with Alzheimer
T/F long term memory or remote memory stays longer with dementia True
Therapy used in the alzheimer unit to talk about the past. Reminiscence therapy
When a person becomes confused or agitated at night Sundowning
Alcoholic memory language impairment Wernicke-Korsakoff’s syndrome
Manifestations of Wernicke-Korsakoff’s syndrome thiamine (B1) deficiency, or beri-beri
T/F Wernicke-Korsakoff’s syndrome is permanent True
Onset of delirium Rapid
Onset of dementia Gradual
Onset of depression Tied to loss
Duration of delirium brief - hours to days
Duration of dementia progressive deterioration
Duration of depression weeks - months
Level of consciousness of delirium impaired, short-term
Level of consciousness of dementia and depression not impaired
memory impairment with delirium short-term impairment
memory impairment with dementia short-term then long-term impairment
T/F memory is impaired with depression False
Speech is slurred, rambling, pressured and irrelevant with delirium or dementia delirium
Speech is normal then asphasia with delirium or dementia dementia
Thought processes is temp ____ in delirium temp disorganized
Thought processes is impaired to los of thinking in ____. dementia
thought process is mood tearfulness in ____ depression
Can have visual or tactial preception as well as hallucinations and delusions with____. delirium
Perception is often absent, can have paranoias, hallucinations and illusions with ____. dementia
Mood is anxious, fearful in hallucinating, weeping, irritable in ____. delirium
Mood is depressed with anxiety early and angry later dementia
T/F hypoxia can lead to delirium and/or dementia True
Blood chemistry alterations that can lead to delirium and/or dementia hyper/hyponatremia, polydipsia, high blood sugar (confusion) low blood sugar (delirious)
Metabolic disorders that can lead to delirium and/or dementia Hyperthyroid (graves) - manic agitated and psychotic. Hypothyroid (myxedema) depressed, slow thinking
Toxic/infectious states that can lead to delirium and/or dementia pneumonias (hypoxic) HIV, and many infections
sensory deprivation leading to ____, which can be seen in ICU. psychosis
repeated head trauma, tumors can lead to delirium and/or dementia
T/F dementia causes Alzheimer's disease False Alzheimer's disease causes dementia
____ dementia includes hardening of arteries leading to mini-stroke Vascular dementia
What percentage of Parkinson's pt have dementias 33%
____ can cause dementia and is reversible when shunt is inserted in skull Hydrocephalus
Huntington’s, Pick’s, bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) rare diseases that cause dementia
self care deficits r/t cognitive impairment is a diagnoses of which disease Alzheimer's
The best outcome for a delirious pt is pt experiences removal of root cause of problem
balancing a checkbook, following a recipe and navigating a shoping mall are examples of simple or complex cognitive skills complex
Delusions, wandering, and failure to recognize family members are seen in which stage of Alzheimers’s disease? Late
T/F in early stage Alzheimer's disease the family should plan with advance directives True
Keep communication simple and provide visual cues is a way to communicate to a/an ____ patient Alzheimer's
Created by: cgwayland
Popular Nursing sets




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