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professional nursing

Epidermis Layer: several thin layers: Melanocytes--melanin Keratinocytes (waterproof layer)--keratin
Dermis Layer: composed of a thick layer of skin; contains collagen and elastic fibers, nerve fibers, blood vessels, sweat and sebaceous glands, and hair follicles
Subcutaneous Layer: composed of a fatty layer of skin; contains blood vessels, nerves, lymph, and loose connective tissue filled with fat cells
First line of Defense Against Infection: Skin. - identifying risk pts risk for pressure ulcers and detection of any break in the skin are important in preventing infection
Melanocytes (melanin): a pigment that gives the skin its color and protects from ultraviolet radiation
Keratinocytes (keratin): waterproof layer of protein that gives it tough protective quality
Protection: intact skin prevents invasion of the body of bacteria
Thermoregulation: facilitates heat loss and cools and warms the body when necessary
Perspiration: cools the body through evaporation also prevents perspiration to inhibit cooling
Vasodilation: increase he blood supply to the skin surface facilitating in heat loss through radiation and conduction
Vasoconstriction: decrease blood supply to prevent heat loss
Fluid and Electrolyte: prevents escape of H2O and electrolytes
Vitamin D: facilitates synthesis of Vit D through conversion of initial precursor to the second precursor of the vitamin in the skin by the sun’s ultraviolet rays
Sensation: body receives stimuli from the environment by activation of the skin receptors for pain, touch, pressure and temperature
Psychosocial: contributes to positive body image
Created by: vz209405
Popular Nursing sets




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