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Science Vocab

chapter 2 lesson 3 and scientific method

flatworm a worm with a flattened body and one body opening
roundworm a worm that has a round body and two body openings
segmented worms a worm that has a body that is divided into sections
scavengers animals that feeds on dead and decaying things
worms an invertebrate split into 3 groups
planaria ex. of a scavenger flatworm
parasite a living thing that lives on another living thing and harms the living thing which it feeds
tapeworm ex. of a parasitic flatworm
hookworm ex. of a parasitic roundworm
leech ex. of a parasitic segmented worm
earthworm ex. of a scavenger segmented worm
coelum protects internal organs of a segmented worm
setae extra little hairs on segmented worms
problem a question or problem you can research and test
research background info about a scientific problem
hypothesis educated guess based on research
procedure steps you will follow to test a scientific problem
materials list of everything you need to run the experiment
experiment the actual testing of the problem
data Info gathered during the experiment
observations any changes you notice during the experiment
conclusion statements about the results of the experiments
theory final factual statement about the results
type of body system in an earthworm that carries the blood circulatory system
where a tapeworm lives once it enters the body intestines
hairlike structures on an earthworm setae
body system in an earthworm that contains the crop, gizzard, and intestines digestive system
some earthworms can cause what? disease
what do earthworms breath through? their skin
how worms are classified into groups by what? their shape
Number of body openings in a flatworm one
number of body openings in a roundworm two
crop where food is stored
gizzard grinds food
eyespots nerve organs on a flatworm's triangle- shaped head for detecting and reacting to light
bilateral symmetry means the worm has matching left and right sides when you divide it half lengthwise
regeneration ability to regrow missing body parts
annelid means "little rings"
cilia tiny hairs that cover the bodies of flatworms
the 10 steps in the scientific method problem, research, hypothesis, procedure, materials, experiment, data, observation, conclusion, theory
earthworms lack a what? respiratory system
Created by: HunterCantwell
Popular Science sets




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