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antigen a protein and/or chemical that is foreign to our bodies.
pathogen are disease causing agents, such as viruses and bacteria
pathogen They are sometimes called germs
bacteria are Microscopic unicellular organisms that do not have a nucleus or other membrane-bound organelles (prokaryotes).
pasteurization is the process in which food is heated to a temperature that kills most harmful bacteria. It is based on the work of Louis Pasteur. (mid1800s)
antibiotics Bacterial diseases can be treated with
antibiotics are medicines that stop the growth and reproduction of bacteria
virus is a strand of DNA or RNA surrounded by a layer of protein that can infect and replicate in a host cell.
virus They are between 20-100 times smaller than bacteria
host cell 9. Viruses are not considered living things; they can replicate but must rely on a living organism to do so. The cell that the virus attaches to is called the ______.
viral Antibiotics do not work against _________infections
communicable diseases are also call infectious diseases
pathogens Communicable diseases are caused by _________________ that can be transmitted from one person to another.
communicable diseases The type of disease that may pass by direct contact, the exchange of blood or bodily fluids, indirect contact, or a vector.
vector a disease carrying organism that does not develop the disease.
communicable viruses and bacteria cause what type of disease?
non-communicable genetics,life style choices, and environment are the cause of what type of disease?
cancer is a disease in which cells reproduce uncontrollably without the usual signals to stop.
immunity means exempt or free
passive immunity this occurs when antibodies made in one organism are introduced into the body of another. This type of immunity comes from birth and/or a mother nursing a baby.
active immunity occurs when your body makes its own antibodies, when you have a disease, or get a vaccine for a disease; your body will make antibodies against the illness that will stay in the body long after the illness is gone.
antibody substance made by an animal in response to an antigen. It attaches to the antigen/pathogen making it harmless.
vaccines are introduced to our bodies to give us active immunity from a disease without making us have the disease. Some are made in the lab with different compounds others are made from a weakened virus that cannot cause the disease or illness anymore.
antibiotics Used to treat and possibly cure BACTERIAL infections. Ineffective against viral diseases
allergies are over sensitive responses to a common antigen. If the body treats the antigen as a pathogen the typical immune response is mucus production and inflammation
symptoms are evidence of disease or of a patient's condition.
prevention to keep a person from getting ill because of a disease.
treatment refer to the ways we deal with a disease once they have been acquired. The management and care of a patient, or the combating of a disease or disorder.
cure something that relieves a patient of the symptoms of the disease or condition
calorie the amount of energy it takes to raise the temperature of water by 1◦ C. It shows how much energy food contains.
protein a large macromolecule that is made of amino acids and contains carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and sometimes sulfur.
carbohydrates is a large macromolecule that is made of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms, and are usually the body’s major source of energy.
fats (also called lipids) provide energy and help your body absorb vitamins
vitamins nutrients that are needed in small amounts for growth, regulating body functions, and preventing some diseases.
minerals are inorganic nutrients that help the body regulate many chemical reactions
cold, flu, chicken pox, strep throat, pnemonia, whooping cough, and syphilis The following are examples or communicable diseases:
non-communicable The following are examples of what type of disease: lung cancer, heart disease, cystic fibrosis, osteoporosis
Created by: LOM Life Science
Popular Biology sets




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