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Stack #135596

characteristics of sponges take food into their body, which qualifies them in the animal kingdom.
characteristics of sponges continued takes food into their body, which qualifies them in the animal kingdom. Filled with holes.Feed by straining food particle from water. gets its oxygen from water in process known as diffusion. soft bodies supported by network of spikes.
characteristics of sponges cont'd water plays role in their reproduction.Like plants, they stay in one place.
characteristics of cnidarians Have stinging cells. Take their food into a holllow central cavity. Carnivores. Specialized tissues. Movement directed by nerve cells to respond quickly to danger or food.
2 body forms of cnidarians polyp- hydra, sea anemone, or coral shaped like a vase. do not move around. Medusa- free swimming life: jellyfish-mouths open downward
characteristics of mollusks invertebrates, unsegmented with outer shells. Have mantle that covers internal organs. Live in water and on land in damp places. Bilateral symmetry. Internal organs located together.Gills and radula (tiny teeth)
3 major groups of mollusks gastropods, bivalves, cephalopods
characteristics ofgastropods snails and slugs (stomach foot) got their name because most of them have their foot on the same side of their body as their stomach. live everywhere on earth
2-shelled mollusks/bivalves bivalves. do not have radulae. are filter feeders. Clams , scallops, mussels
cephalopods/mollusks with tentacles capture food with tentacles.large eyes and good vision. all live in ocean and swim by jet propulsion.
how the cephalopods swim they squeeze a current of water out of the mantle cavity throught a tube, and shoot off in the opposite direction. By turning the tube around, can steer in any direction.
characteristics of arthropods JOINTED LEGS OR APPENDAGES. invertebrate with external skeleton, and segmented body. OPEN CIRCULATORY SYSTEMS. most reproduce sexually. internal fertilization .
arthropods skeletons made of chitin chitin is made of long molecules like links in chain.
appendages of arthropods Antenna, legs, wings, and mouthparts that it uses for crushing food.
Major groups of arthropods Crustaceans; arachnids; centipedes; millipedes; insects
Crustacean arthropod that has two or three body sections and usually 3 pair of appendages for chewing. Have five or more pair of legs; Have TWO PAIR OF ANTENNAE.
Arachnid arthropod with 2 body sections; have eight legs, but no antennae; spiders are most familiar and feared. others are mites, ticks, and scorpions
Centipedes and Millipedes highly segmented bodies
Echinoderm radially symmetrical invertebrate. Lives on ocean floor. "spiny skinned". Skin is supported by "endoskeleton". FIVE PART RADIAL SYSTEM. WATER VASCULAR SYSTEM
Echinoderm characteristics tube feet sticky and when filled with water, they act like suction cups.
Sea Stars predators that eat even other echinoderms.
main characteristics of fish ectothermic vertebrate that lives in water and has fins for moving. obtain oxygen throught gills and have scales.
3 types of fish jawless fish; cartilaginous fish; bony fish
Amphibians main characteristics Ectothermic vertebrate that spends early life in water.
meaning of amphibian "double Life" after beginning their life in water, most spend adulthood on land, returning to water to reproduce
Amphibians red-backed salamander; frogs and toads; salamanders
Reptiles ectothermic vertebrate with lungs and scaly skin.
types of reptiles snakes, lizards, turtles, and alligators
Extinct Reptiles Dinosaurs
Bird characteristics endothermic vertebrate that has feathers and a four-chambered heart, and lays eggs.
Mammal characteristics endothermic vertebrates, four chambered heart, skin covered with fur or hair. Young of most mammals born alive, fed with milk from mother
Created by: lapeyrer
Popular Science sets




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