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Unit of Mesopotamian Culture

City that governs itself more or less independently. City-state
Greek for "wedge-shaped" which describes the Sumerians alphabet. cuneiform
Soldiers fight while mounted on horseback cavalry
terraced pyramids that housed religious shrines at the top ziggurats
carving of a stair-stepped levels into a steep slope terraced
Originated in ancient Persia and emphasized the importance of triumph of good over evil Zoroastrianism
trade goods directly for other goods instead of using money barter
spread of ideas from one place to another cultural diffusion
soil in the water silt
small pieces of baked clay used to represent particular things token
protected area citadel
many different lands brought under the rule of one government empire
belief in many gods and goddesses polytheism
Name the word that means 'between the river' in Greek. Mesopotamia
Another name for the 'Fertile Cresent' is ___ Mesopotamia
Name the area that is the 'cradle of civilization'. Mesopotamia
__________ was precious and had to be brought down from the mountains. Wood
T/F - There was no building stone on the flat river plain and there were few trees for lumber. True
Sun dried bricks were softened by rain so they learned to ___________ the bricks in fire. bake
______________ bricks were used for important buildings such as temples. Fire-baked
Thick ___________ surrounded the city like a fort. walls
T/F - An advantage to city-life was that residents had to grow all their own food. False
T/F - Farmers made wooden benches, created cooking pots and would spin wool into cloth. False -- city dwellers
T/F - Keeping accounts of how much barley, wool or other goods was not a very important job. False
T/F - Mesopotamian bookkeepers made marks on smooth paper that evolved into cuneiform. False
Both _____________ & ______________ were in charge of running the cities. priests and kings
T/F - People were monotheistic. False
T/F - Orphans and the needy are not taken care of. False
T/F- People believed if the gods were pleased, the city would be safe and enjoy prosperity. True
T/F - There was one government over all Mesopotamia. False
In times of _______, cities chose a person to be their leader. war
_______________ in war meant death or slavery. Defeat
Name the king that ruled Akkad from 2334-2279BC. Sargon the Great
We know the most about the laws of King ________________ of Babylon. Hammurabi
Ur, Uruk, Kish and Lagash are ALL _________________ city-states. Sumerian
Name the oldest fictional Sumerian tale. Epic of Gilgamesh
Name the warlike people that conquered Babylonia around 1200 BCE. Assyrians
T/F - The Sumerians, Babylonians and Assyrians ALL built ziggurats. True
This group of people were 'copy cats' of the Babylonian culture. chaldean
Name the person that began the spread of Zoroastrianism. Cyrus
Name the group of people that first used coins for trade. Lydians
T/F - The Phoenicians never controlled the entire Fertile Crescent. True
The Phoenicians established the colony of ______________ and this allowed them to promote cultural diffusion. Carthage
Persian king, Darius divided his empire into 120 _________________ which were ruled by governors. satrapies
Name the most important idea that the Phoenicians spread. phonetic alphabet (each character stood for a sound)
T/F - Our own alphabet derived from the Assyrians. False -- Phoenicians
Created by: cathydarden
Popular Geography sets




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