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Transportation 1

Exam 1

Accessibility the ability to reach a destination with reasonable effort or cost
Destination place where a trip ends
Origin place where a trip begins
Intermodal transfer points places where there is a change of mode
Intermodal transport used when two or more modes are involved in the movement of goods from an origin to a destination (i.e., rail and truck, water and rail, water and highway, water and water, air and highway)
Line haul one segment of a trip
Mobility the ability to make trips
Mode The form of transport – highway, air, carpool
Primary data Data collected directly by the analyst
Secondary data Data borrowed from other places or from previous activities in the same place
Transit-dependent or captive riders These are primarily non-drivers, who cannot afford to own an automobile, too young or too old to operate a motor vehicle, and those with disabilities.
Transportation everything involved in moving either the person or goods from the person or goods from the origin to the destination.. Transportation Engineering - An Interdisciplinary Engineering/integration of multiple disciplines
Capacity The amount of goods and/or persons a system can handle before reaching saturation.
Classification the process of breaking down the total number of vehicles observed into categories or classes
Density A measure of traffic congestion, the number of vehicles per unit length of a roadway
Design Hourly Volume (DHV) The hourly volume used by roadway designers to determine the capacity needed
Free-flow speed Speed that can be maintained on a given roadway when no other vehicles are present
Gap The space between consecutive vehicles, rear bumper to front bumper
Headway Time or distance between consecutive vehicles
Jam Density (Dj) The maximum possible density on a roadway
K-factor the proportion of daily traffic at a site that occurs during the peak period
Level of Service (LOS) a letter designation that describes a range of operating conditions on a particular type of facility.
Occupancy The percent of time in which a point in the roadway has a vehicle that is directly over it.
Peak hour factor (PHF) The ratio of the number of vehicles during the peak hour to four times the number of vehicles entering the traffic stream during the peak 15-minute period.
Space mean speed (SMS) The average speed of all vehicles moving over a given section of a highway over some specified time period
Time mean speed (TMS) The average speed of all vehicles passing a point on a highway over some specified time period
Traffic counts – (volume) the number of vehicles that pass a point during a specified time period
Traffic flow rates (q) usually in units of vehicles per hour, converted from volume counts taken over different lengths of time, or as a function of average headway ALWAYS ROUND TO NEAREST VEHICLE!
Basic freeway segments Segments of the freeway that are outside of the influence area of ramps or weaving areas and have uniform traffic and roadway conditions
Freeway a divided highway that provides uninterrupted flow
Derived demand The recognition that a trip is made because of the activities to be undertaken at the end of the trip.
Modal Split Determines which mode of transportation will be used to make the trip
Peak hour of the generator The 60-min. period in which the highest volume entering and leaving the site occurs
Peak hour of the street The 60-min. period in which the highest volume occurs on the roadway abutting the site (generally 7–9 a.m. or 4–6 p.m.)
Peak-hour trips The total number of vehicular trips to and from a site during a 60-min period
Traffic Analysis Zone (TAS) A geographic subset of a study area
Trip assignment A procedure by which traveler route choice in a street or highway network is simulated
Trip distribution A procedure to describe and explain how travelers choose their destinations
Trip generation A procedure to estimate how many trips are made to and from certain locations, such as households, individual sites, or TAZs
Trip, trip end a one-direction vehicle movement either to or from the study site (i.e., an origin or a destination within the study site) – each trip has two ends
Programming used to describe the selection and scheduling of projects
Stakeholder a person, a group of persons, a company, or an organization that has a stake in the decisions being made
FHWA Federal Highway Administration
FTA Federal Transit Administration
LRTP long-range transportation plan
MAG Mountain Land Association of Governments
MPO metropolitan planning organization
SAFETEA-LU Safe Accountable Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users
TEA-21 Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century
TIP Transportation Improvement Program
WFRC Wasatch Front Regional Council
Created by: ryanwoods7
Popular Engineering sets




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