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2nd test

superior top
inferior bottom
lateral to the side
meadian middle
atomical looking down
distil farthest from the body
proximal clostest
postier\dorsal back
anterior\ventral front
coronal front to back
transverse cut across
sagital left to right
organ system organs
atoms protons neutrons electons
molecule group of atoms
organ group of tissue
cell group of molecules smallest units of our bodies
tissue group of cells specifically organized
frontal forehead
temporal temple
zygomatic cheek bone
nasal top part of your nose
maxillla between your nose and teeth
mandible chin
parietal top part of your head
occipital back part of your head
mastroid bottom of the back of your head.
each of the vertebraes connects to each of the ribs
cervical first 7 neck bones (vertebraes)
thoracic next 12 bones (vertebraes)
lumbar next 5 bones (vertebraes)
sacrum tailbone
coccyx tailbone the bump in between your crack
atlas the first cervical
axsis second cervical
sella turcia the side of your head
vertebral foramen hole for spinal cord
spinas process back of the spinal cord hole
manubrium top of your body (chest up maybe)
xiphoid bottom of your body( hips down maybe)
clavical bone that you can feel above your breast.
humerus top bone of your arm
scapula shoulder blade
radius 1 of the 2 bones in the distal part of your arm on the side of you thumb.
ulna 2nd of the 2 bones in the distal part of your arm on the opposite side as your thumb.
carpals wrist
metacarpals bones clostest to your wrist
pholanges fingertips
tarseles ancles
metecarseles foot bones
phlanges tips of your toes
thibia smallest bone in diameter in the bottom half of your leg
tibia biggest bone in diameter in the bottom half of your leg.
patella knee cap
themur top bone of your leg
pubis\ ishium sitting bone
pelvic girdle hips
flection flexing
extension not flexing
abduction lift your arm up
adduction arm down
medial turn in
lateral turn out
central nervous system contains brain and spinal cord
peripheral contains spinal nerves and peripheralnerve
peripheral nerve
denrites (in the brain) command center
axon (in the brain) transmitter
synapse connect to one nerve to another
cerebellum balance\cordinating
longitudinal tissue cut down the middle of brain
central sulcus short cuts on the sides of the head
hypothalamus regulates temperature, appetite etc
pittuary gland and pons in the brain
ventrides fluid filled spaces
choroid makes csf
palatine (tonsils located in the back of your tongue) fights desieses
lingual tonsils
tastebuds middle of the tongue
tastebuds towards the front and the tip of the tongue
sclara white of the eye
iris color of the eye
naso lacrimal duct water type fluid over your eye
six muscles in the eye
light goes through the pupil then through the lense
cornea is responsible for bending of the light rays
optic nerve nerve in your eye
retna light waves converted to nerve impuldes
pinna top round of the ear
ear lobe ear piercing part
tympanic memnrance ear drum
occicals inside your ear
semi,cicular, canals fluid filled
incus part of the ear
malleous part of the ear
staes part of the ear
cochlea part of the ear
Created by: frewing
Popular Science sets




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