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Chapter 2 Vocab


1.Ecosystem Interaction of plant life, animal life, and the physical environment in witch they live.
2.Biome Term used to describe a major type of ecosystem that can be found in various regions throughout the world.
3.Deciduous Leaf-shedding; a type of tree that sheds its leafs during one season.
4.Coniferous Cone-bearing; a type of tree able to survive long, cold winters, with long, thin needles rather than leaves.
5.Chaparral Type of natural vegetation that is adapted too Mediterranean climates;
6.Savanna Tropical grassland with scattered trees, located in the warm lands near the equator.
7.Herbivore Plant eating animal.
8.Carnivore Meat eating animal.
9.Prairie Temperate grassland characterized by a great variety of grasses.
10.Tundra Dry, treeless plane where temperatures are always cool and cold and only specialized plants can grow.
11.Permafrost Layer of soil just below the earths surface that stays permanently frozen.
12.Weather Condition of the bottom layer of the earth's atmosphere over a short period of time.
13.Climate Term used of the weather patterns that an area typically experiences over a long period of time.
14.Rotation Spinning motion of the earth, like a top on its axes, as it travels through space.
15.Revolution One complete orbit of the earth around the sun. The earth completes a revolution every 365 1/4 days, or one year.
16.Solstice Either of the two times a year when the sun appears directly overhead at the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn.
17.Equnox Either of the two times a year(spring and fall) when day and night are of nearly equal length everywhere on earth.
18.Percipation All of the forms of water that fall to earth from the atmosphere, including rain and snow.
19.Front Boundary between two masses of air that differ in density and temperature.
20.Continental Climate Type of climate found in the great central areas of continents in the Northern hemisphere: characterized by cold, snowy winters and warm hot summers.
Created by: AmmieGandy
Popular Geography sets




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