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digestive system and

what are the accessory digestive organs teeth, salivary glands, gallbladder, liver and pancreas
alimentary canal or G.I tract consists of mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small and large intestine
name the two groups the organs of the digestive system are seperated into alimentary canal also known as gi tract and accessory digestive organs
once food has been ingested and digested what comes next absorption where the bodys cells absorb the broken down good molecules
what cells line the digestive tract epithelial cells
what is the process called where ingested food becomes available to body cells digestion
how can ingested good become available to the body cells it must first be broken down chemically and physically. physically = chewing chemically= enzymatic hydrolysis
alimentary canal the digestive system consists of a hollow tube extending from the mouth to the anus
state the overall function of the digestive system eliminate undigested food provide th body with nutrients and water ingest, digest,and absorb food
trypsin is a protease similar to pepsin the protein digesting enzyme in the stomach, would trypsin work well in the stomach no the stomach is highly acidic while trypsin works well in the neutral basic environment of the small intestine
list three characteristics of enzymes protein molecuels, biological catalyst, hydrolases
name the end products of digestion for protiens amino acids
name the end products of digestion for carbohydrats simple sugars
name the end products of digestion for fats fatty acids and glycerol
what do segmental movements do they serve mainly to mix foodstuffs with digestive juices
define segmental movements local constrictions of the organ wall that occur rhythmically
define peristalic movements the major means of propelling food through most of the digestive viscera
define substrate the material or substance or molecules on which an enzyme acts on
define enzyme large protein molecules produced by body cells also biological catalysts
define catalyst they increase the rate of a chemical reaction without themselves becoming part of the product
define hydrolase an enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of a chemical bond
hydrolysis the chemical breakdown of a compound due to the reaction with water
define controls specimens or standards agaianst which experimental samples are comapred
which enzyme is necessary for starch digestion salivary amylase
what reagent is used for the starch test lugols IKI solution positive = blue black negative= no color change
what reagent is used for sugar test benedicts solution positive= green to orange percipitat
what enzyme is used for protein digestion trypsin
what substance is used to test for hydrolysis BAPNA Positive= yellow negative=clear
Created by: pvnaaj
Popular Science sets




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