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ACT Vocabulary1

Common ACT words

abhor to regard with repugnance, to loathe
adapt to make suitable for some purpose or situation
apathy lack of emotion
balk to stop short as though encountering an obstacle and refuse to proceed; to put an obstacle in the way of
calamity a terrible disaster, or misery caused by a disaster or misfortune
compress to press together; to make shorter or smaller
debunk to expose something as false
empathy identification with the feelings or thoughts of anther
evenhanded fair,impartial
flaunt to display or show off
glutton one who tends to eat or drink greedily; one who has a great appetite for something
heritage something, such as property or a tradition inherited from one's ancestors
impertinent not keeping within the bounds of propriety or good taste, characterized by rudeness; not relevant
incognito with one's identity hidden
loquacious tending to or characterized by excessive talk
mollify to soften the temper of feeling
placebo an inert substance used in place of a medicine given to a patient without their knowledge sometimes in a study
precarious dependent on uncertain or chance circumstances
rapt deeply absorbed
reticent tending to be uncommunicative or silent
sedentary doing or requiring a lot of sitting, not physically active
spontaneous tending to act upon impulse, without planning or restraint
sustain to support, bear or keep up
threshold the sill that lies under a door; a gate or point of entry either literal or figurative
voracious having a large appetite, insatiable
Created by: JasperACTprep
Popular ACT sets




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