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science Ch. 15-16

science 9th grade

open circuit a circuit that containsa gap which electrons cannot cross
electrosc simple device that uses the laws of electrostatics to detet small electric charges
domain theory the magnetic field of a magnet is the sum of thousands of smaller fields, each produced by billions of atoms containing unpaired, spinning electrons
law of magnetic poles unlike poles attract, but like poles repel
switch device used to anally open or close a circuit
transformer device tht increases or decreases the voltage or alternating current by means of electromagnetic induction
speaker device that converts pulses of electricity into sound waves
paramagnetic a material that is weakly attacted to magnets and that has only one unpaired electron per atom
amere the unit of elecn current
semi conductors materials that are neither good conductors nor good insulators
dipping needle compass that swings vertically to reveal the angle at which lines of force enter the earth
equator an imaginary circle around the earth halfway between the two magnetic poles
genorator device that uses electromagnetic induction to produce electric current
electro statics the study of the nature, behavior, and uses of static electricity and relate phenomena
Van Alen Belt the two vast, doughnut-shaped belts of high-speeds particles trapped in the earth's magnetic field
kilawatt hour the unit used by electric companies to charge for electricity
Leyden Jar early device used to store an electric charge
curcuit breaker automatic switch that opens the circuit when current flowing through it exeeds a predetermined amount
magnet object capable of attracting objects such as iron or steel
electric motor device that converts electricity into motion
nuetral an atom or other object that has no overall electrical charge
telagraph device for communicating over long distances by means of elecroagnets
grounding the pocess of diverting unwanted electrical chage drectlyinto the earth
condctors materials through which current flows easlily
coulomb the unit of electical charge
series a circuit with loads arranged so that the electric current flows through each load one after another
Ohms Law current (amerage) in a conductor is directly proportional to the voltage and inversely proportional to resisance
north magnetic pole it is magnetically an s-pole
parrallel a circuit with loads arranged in separte branches of the cirguit so that the current is divided among them
electromagne device that produces a strong magneti field when electricity passes throug it
Vande Graph device used to produce static electricity
watt the SI unit of power
storage cell devices that produce electric current and are designed to be recharged when the "run dry'
ampmeter instrument used to measure amerage
electric field the region surrounding a charged object in which other objects are attracted or repelled by an electric foce
resistance the amound a certain object or material hinders electron flow
battery a group of electrochemical cells connected together as a single source of current
law of magnetic force the force between two magnetic poles is directly related to the product of the pole strengths and inversely related to the square of the distance between the poles
electron possesses a negative charge
ohm the unit used for measureing resistance
electric charge always moves to the outside of the charged object
faramagnetic a material t is strongly attracted to magnets and that has several unpaired electrons per atom
capasitator a modern device used to store electrical charges such as in some camera flashes and other elctronic devices
magnetic compass navgational device consisting of a magnet free to swing horizontally
lightning rod device for protecting buildings and other structures from lightning strikes
closed curcuit a circuit that contains a complete pathe for electrons to flow from the source of current through the load, and back to the source
volt the unit used to measure the force with which an electric current flows
induction electric charge can be imparted at a distance without direct contact between the charged object and the uncharged object
ball of electric charges opposite charges attract, but like charges repel
loadstone the Vikings were guided in their journeys across the North Atlantic by these unusual magnetic rocks
furesent lamp an electric discharge lamp which produces light by passng and electric current through long tube filled ith mercury vapor at low pressure, causing coating on the inside of the tube glow
super conductors a matrial that allows electric current to flow through it with no resistance at all
contact, electricity, induction magnetization methods
in current electricity, the electrons "flow" from one place to anoter n static electricity, the electrons reain in one place. Tey are stationary how does current electricity differ from static electicity?
the angle of declination whatis the angle that a compass needle deviates from the true north called?
when an object is electricly charged, its electrons tend to "sty put" on the surgac of the charged object. Static means Stationary why are electic charges commonly called static electricity?
a stream of protons and electrons tat emanates from the sun what is solar wind?
direct current (DC) alternating current (AC) what are the two types of electric current
source of current, cnductors, load lis the three main components of a simple electric ciruit
when electricity is given the opportunity to take a "short cut" through a circuit, avoiding the load when does a short circuit occor?
Both mgnetism and electricity are manifestations of the electromagnetic force/ when an electic current flows through a wire, it generates a magnetic field around the wire, forming an electromagnet. Explain the close relationship betwen magnetism and electricity.
When a conductor "cuts" the lines of force in a magnetic field, it generates an electric current how can electricity produce magnetism, and magnetism produce electricity?
Created by: kbtarheelgirl
Popular Science sets




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