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What are the six characteristics of a living thing Cells, Energy, Grow and Repair, Waste, Reproduce and Adapt/Respond to Environment
Who first OBSERVED a LIVING cell? What did he observe? Antone Van Leeuwenhoek and he observed bacteria and blood cell
How do you calculate magnification? Eyepiece lens x Objective lens
What is the difference between multicellular and unicellular organisms? Multicellular organisms consist of more than one cell and unicellular consist of only one cell
What is cellular respiration and what is the product of it? Its the process in which food every is released and the end product is heat
What is photosynthesis and what is the product of it? Its when plants make their food from sunlight and the end product is sugar
What are the vascular tissues in a plant? What about in a human? In a plant, the vascular tissues are the phloem and xylem tissues and in an animal it is the circulatory system
What is the cell membrane? The cell membrane is the protective "skin" of the cell that is selectively permeable
What is cytoplasm? The jelly-like substance that flows around the inside of the cell and acts like blood in a human, delivering oxygen and nutrients
What is the nucleus? The nucleus is like the cells brain, controlling everything it does. it is the most easily seen thing in a cell because it is large and dark
What is the vacuole? It is pretty much the storage place of the cell where food, waste and other stuff is held until it is used or released
What is a cell wall and chloroplasts? A cell wall is like a cell membrane but is much thicker and rigid which offers more protection and support. Chloroplasts is the place of the cell in which photosynthesis takes place. Both of these are only found in plant cells
Rank the following cells in order of lifespan from shortest to longest: Nerve, Skin, Blood, Muscle 1. Skin 2. Blood 3. Muscle 4. Nerve
What is haemoglobin? a protein whose job is to transport oxygen in the blood of vertebrates
What is villi? Villi branch out of an organism to increase surface area and absorb more nutrients (also help move)
What is alveoli? Tiny air sacs in the lungs that refresh blood with oxygen as carbon dioxide is released
What is diabetes? When the pancreas isn't producing enough insulin to control the level of blood sugars
Which circulatory system is known as the "silent killer" and why? High blood pressure because there aren't any symptoms
What does the suffix "itis" mean? Inflammation or infection
What are cilia? small hairs in our respiratory passages that help capture and remove unwanted particles
What is a solvent and a solute? A solute in something that is added and dissolved. The solvent is what does the dissolving
What is the definition of solubility? The amount of solute that can be dissolved in a solvent to create a saturated solution at a given temperature
Define saturated when no more solute is able to be dissolved in a solvent at a given temperature
Define Unsaturated when more solute could be dissolved in a solvent at a given temperature
Define supersaturated when more solute is dissolved in a solvent that normal at a given temperature
What does the compressed gas whimis symbol look like? Kinda like a tampon
What does a flame mean in whimis symbols? Flammable
What does a flame with a circle in it mean in whimis symbols? More at risk of a fire if they come in contact with a flammable or combustible materials
What does the skull and cross bones mean? Poison with symptoms showing immediately
What does the T symbol mean? Poison with symptoms showing over time
What does the corrosive symbol look like? A liquid burning a material and a hand at the same time
What does the R with a test tube in the middle show? Dangerously reactive
Define filtration The action or process of filtering something
Define filtrate The solution in which passes through a filter paper or through a filtration device
Define residue? What remains after a part is taken
Define distillation a method of separating the parts of a liquid mixture
Define distillate something formed by distillation
What is the effect of salt on the density of water? The density of water would go up because the more particles in something, the more dense it is
What is the effect of salt on the buoyant force of water? The buoyant force would go up because the extra salt particles will help hold up the load
As the density of a fluid increases, the buoyant force... increases
What happens to the viscosity of a LIQUID when it is heated? When it is cooled? When a liquid is heated, its viscosity decreases and when it is cooled, its viscosity increases
What happens to the viscosity of a GAS when it is heated? When it is cooled? When a gas it heated, it viscosity increases and when it is cooled, its viscosity decreases
So that means... Temperatures effect on viscosity of liquids and gases is opposite
As viscosity increases, flow rate... decreases
Define density the amount of a mass in a certain unit volume of a substance
For a substance to float in a fluid, the density of the substance has to be... Less than the fluid
Define hydraulics The study of pressure in liquids
Define transparent Allowing light to pass through
Define translucent allowing some light to pass through
Define opaque allowing no light to pass through
What is a ray of light? A single line or narrow beam of light that can bounce off a surface it strikes
What is evidence that light travels in straight lines? The ray model of light! also, because shadows! if light could curve around objects, there wouldn't be any shadows
What happens to a shadow when you move away from the light source? what if you move towards it? if you move away from the light source, the shadow gets smaller and if you move closer to it, the shadow gets bigger
Define chemiluminescence the emission of light resulting from chemical action and not involving heat
define bioluminescence the emission of light produced by a chemical reaction inside the bodies of living creatures
define incandescence the emission of light by heat
define fluorescence the emission of light by a high energy, invisible ultraviolet light that is absorbed by the particles of an object and causes the object to glow
what causes refraction when light travels through one medium to another. the next medium could either more or less dense (the law of refraction btw)
when light travels into a substance that is more dense it... moves towards the line of normal
so that means that when light travels into a substance that is less dense it... moves away from the line of normal
what is a mirage and how is it caused? a mirage is when heat shimmers on the surface of something and causes you to see what looks like a pool of water, but really its just heat waves
What is an optical illusion when your eyes see something but your brain can't make sense of it and create a different image
What are the NINE parts of the eye? Retina, Ciliary Muscle, Lens, Iris, Pupil, Cornea, Aqueous Humour, Vitreous Humour, Optic Nerve
What are the two parts of a camera that are like the eye? the diaphragm of the camera is like the iris and the aperture works like the pupil
What is far sightedness and what lens is used to correct it? Far sightedness is when the image falls behind the retina and is fixed with a convex lens
What is near sightedness and what lens is used to correct it? Near sightedness is when the image falls short of the retina and is fixed with a concave lens
what is a reflecting telescope? a telescope having a concave mirror to collect rays of light from a distance object
What images do you see with a concave and convex mirror? You see a larger image with a concave and smaller with a convex
how does a convex and concave lens move light? a convex lens converges light and a concave lens diverges light
How is a glacier made? (in order) New snow falls and over time become grainy pieces of ice because snow tends to rearrange itself. Then the grains begin to accumulate, melting and freezing again until a sheet of glacial ice is formed
What is a moraine? A land form made of glacial till
What is a striation? Scratched made in rocks by rock fragments carried by glaciers
What is an erratic? A rock or boulder dropped off in a random area by glacial movement
What is a water shed? an area of land that drains into a body of water. its like a big area of connecting streams
what is runoff? rain water that flows of a land surface
what is headwaters? the source of a water shed
what is outflow? The water that flows out of a watershed
How much of earths water is fresh? how much is ground water? about 3% if fresh and 1.7% is groundwater
What are some human activities that affect watersheds? Logging trees, paving land and littering of course!
What a spring tide? Where is the tidal bulge? Spring tide is the largest tidal movement and the tidal bulge is on the sides of the earth, like East to West
What is a neap tide? Where is the tidal bulge? Neap tides are the smallest tidal movement and the tidal bulge is on the top and bottom of the earth, like North to South
What are the parts of the wave model? The crest, the trough, wavelength and wave height
What is a wave? How is it formed and what keeps it moving? A wave is a large ripple set it motion by steady winds and keep moving by the wind
What are currents? How are they formed and what keeps them moving? Currents are broad, continuous movement of water. Currents are formed by wind patterns, convection currents, continents and the rotation of the earth
Which macro-invertibrate indicates clean water? Stonefly larva, beetle, dragonfly larva
Which macro-invertabrates indicates dirty water? midge-fly larva or segmented worms
What is heat capacity? The thermal energy needed to raise the temperature of 1 kg of a substance
What features on the ocean floor are formed from tectonic plates? Ridges, trenches, continental shelf, continental slope and abyssal plane
What is a lever? Give an example A lever is a bar that is free to rotate about a fixed point. An example would be a teeter totter or a crow bar
What is mechanical advantage? The ratio of how much force a machine puts out to the force that is put on the machine
What is a class 1 lever? When the fulcrum is the middle and the load or effort force are on the sides
What is a class 2 lever? When the load is in the middle and the fulcrum and effort force are on the sides
What is a class 3 lever? When the effort force is in the middle and the fulcrum and force are on the sides
What advantage are you getting if the mechanical advantage is 1? you aren't getting an advantage, the direction of force is just getting changed
What if the mechanical advantage is less than 1? more than 1? If its less than one, you are getting a SPEED advantage and if its more than 1 you are getting a FORCE advantage
What levers give your FORCE advantage? Class 1 and 2 levers
So which one gives you a SPEED advantage? Class 3 lever
What are the 2 ways you can get the MA of a fixed pulley? Count the # of supporting strings or count the number of pulleys involved
How do you determine the speed ratio of a bike? SR = # of DRIVER gear teeth / # of DRIVEN gear teeth
How do you determine the speed ratio of there is 3 gears in a row? You just take the driver gear teeth and divide it by the last driven gear teeth
what type of pulley system gives you a mechanical advantage? a block and tackle
What are the 2 ways you calculate efficiency? E = input force / output force x 100% OR E = MA / SR x 100%
What is the difference between hydraulics and pneumatics ? Hydraulics works with liquids and pneumatics works with gases
What happens when you heat water is a closed system? Steam accumulates and creates HIGH PRESSURE
What is the sequence of a four stroke engine? Intake, compression, power and exhaust
What is the similarity between old locomotives and modern automobiles? EXPANSION OF GASES!!!!
Created by: XioJohnson
Popular Science sets




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