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Geo For 3rd Formers

Limestone Features, Limestone, Weather And Climate, Map Types.

Name 3 types of statistical maps. Dot Maps, Chloropeth Maps, Flowline Maps
Name 6 ways in which you can present geographical data Tables, GIS, Charts, Graphs, Averages, Maps
What is a table? A table is a statistical diagram with columns, rows, or heading to present information
What is ranking? Ranking is the process of arranging data in order, usually according to the size and the quantity with the highest value stated first
Name three types of graphs. Bar Graph, Line Graph and Population Pyramid
Give the definition and advantage of a dot map A dot map shows distribution of population across and area shown by dots and the advantage is that you can see areas that are densely populated
Name the 9 islands in the greater antillies Cuba,Haiti,Jamaica, Dominican Republic,Puerto Rico,Cayman Islands,The Bahamas, Turks and Caicos Islands,U.S Virgin Islands
Give the definition and advantage of a chloropeth map Shows density of population in an area shown by colours and its advantage is that it shows areas that are concentrated
Give the definition and advantage of a flowline map Shows the volume of people moving from one area to another and the advantage is it shows where people are moving to and where they coming from and which areas are mostly populated
What is the difference between weather and climate? The different time and place
Name the 7 elements of weather Sunshine, Rainfall, Wind, Humidity, Air Pressure, Cloud Cover, Temperature
What is a weather system? A combination of winds, air pressure, humidity and rainfall which develops in parts of the atmosphere
Name 5 weather systems of the caribbean ITCZ, Hurricane, Easterly Wave, Cold Front and Anticyclone
Where is the lesser Antilles? Near the eastern boundary of the Caribbean plate
Describe the volcanic caribees of the lesser Antilles Rugged, mountainous islands with steep relief and old and new volcanic landforms
name 3 types of plates Convergent, Divergent and Transform
Where do violent earthquakes occur? North American Plate
What do the lesser Antilles countries have in common? They are all volcanic.
What is most of the greater Antilles made up of? Limestone
why are Belize and Guyana considered caribbean countries? They are connected by history
What is the Caribbean? Certain areas of the west indian isles to the sea between
What is the Caribbean sea? a sub oceanic basin of the western Atlantic ocean situated north of the equator in the western hemisphere
What are convection currents? Circulatory currents of magma that upwells the athenosphere and tries to force its way through the crust. if there is no escape unto the surface , it will sink and drag plates above it in different directions
How is a fold mountain made? When plates converge
What is the theory of plate tectonic? The earth's crust is not one solid layer but is divided into plates that move in relation to each other
what is the Caribbean plate? A plate that carries islands and is surrounded by the north and south american plates and sections of the Cozco's and Nazca plates
how many percentage of limestone is Jamaica? seventy percent
Name the 3 types of rocks Sedimentary, Metamorphic And Igneous
what is the continental drift theory? All continents were joined together and formed one super continent called Pangaea. Then later split into two landmasses, Laurasia and Gondwanaland and later more
What measures the following: Rainfall, Sunshine, Wind, Air Pressure, Humidity, Cloud Cover, Temerature Rainfall - Rain Gauge Sunshine - Campbell's Stroke Wind - Anemometer Air Pressure - Hydrometer Cloud Cover - Eyes Temperature - Themometer
What is a cavern ? Larger and extensive cave with a deeper chamber and several interconnecting passages
What is a stalagmite ? Long, thin and slender cave pinnacles of limestone hanging from the roof of a cave and growing downwards
what is a stalactite? Shorter, thicker accumulations of calcite growing upwards from the cave floor
what is formed when a stalagmite and stalactite is joined ? A Pillar
What type of rock is limestone? Sedimentary that contains calcite
How is limestone formed? Many Marine organisms make shells and other hard body parts out of calcium carbonate. When the organism dies, their hard body parts settle to the bottom of the ocean floor. Through time, they accumulate into great thickness of calcite mud which hardens.
What is karst? Landscapes that have distinct limestone features developed after the process of caronation
Name 3 characteristics of limestone - Chemical Composition - Structure - Permeability
What is calcite? The 3rd Most Common mineral on the earth
Name 8 karst features Sinkholes, Gorges, Poljes, Dolines, Limestone Pavement, Cockpit And Conical Hills, Tower Karst and Dry Valley
What is the carbonation process? A weathering process which dissolves limestone rocks. Rain Falls, it absorbs CO 2 from atmosphere and soil that produces a weak solution of carbonic acid and it very slowly dissolves calcium carbonate and it makes it way down the limestone structure
How is a caldera formed? after a massive super eruptions and it can turn into a crater lake
Where do surface water percolates? downward through rocks below the earth's surface to high temperature regions surrounding a magma reservoir
What is a dyke? diagonal sheets of magma cutting across bedding planes
Give 2 examples of intrusive volcanic features Erosion and Weathering
What are extrusive volcanic features? Those that form as magma extrude unto the surface and are therefore called surface landforms
What are sinkholes? Deep diagonal or vertical holes where a surface river disappears
Where does the surface river reappears? Resurgent river
What are dolines? funnel shaped depressions formed by collapse of rock beneath the surface
How do poljes occur? when two or more dolines enlarge and join together
What are gorges? narrow, steep sided valleys which occur when a cave roof collapse
How are fumroles steam created? when water comes in contact with magma, the pressure drops when in emerges from the ground
How are geysers formed? by heat, water and a constricted path
Where do hot springs occur? thermal areas produced by water heated underground and pushed to the surface of the earth by pressure
What is Batholith? large dome shaped resevoirs of magma located deep within the earth's crust
What is Laccolith? smaller reservoir of magma with an arch shaped structure that lies nearer to the earth's surface
What is sill? masses of magma that flows horizantally along the bedding planes within the crust
What are cockpits? Star shaped depressions where erosion causes joints to meet
Name the limestone features below ground. Stalactites, stalagmites, cave and caverns, subterranean stream, pillar
What are underground streams? water flowing underground through swallow holes
How are caves developed? where rocks underground have been dissolved through carbonation near subterranean sea
How is tsunami formed? when an earthquakes takes place n the seafloor displacing body of water above as ground vibrates. this creates huge waves landwards
what does magma do when it cannot reach the surface? it forms different shapes and intrusions in the crust then cools and turns into rock
what are composite? when a volcano has ash and lava eruptions are after the other
what are sheilds? Sloped volcanoes with each eruption of smoothly flowing lava
What is a caldera ? huge depression in the earth's crust that is surrounded by a rim of higher relief
what rock is formed when magma cools? Igneous or Plutonic
how is a hurricane formed? Air is forced to rise creating low pressure area, winds rush inward is heated and rises. condensation occurs and cumulonimbus clouds form creating heavy tropical rainfall.
what is a another name for hurricane? Tropical Cyclone
What is anticyclone? large mass of sinking air going anticyclone. low humidity with light breeze and moderate temperature
What is coldfront? A boundary between cold and dry continental air and warm and moist tropical air. The warm air from tropics rises and cold air sink from north america. it forms rain and affects the northern caribbean and bring cold temperatures
What is ITCZ? Inter tropical convergance zone = long area of low pressure lying east to west across equatorial regoin
What is Easterly Wave? A weak low pressure large scale weather system that dont have a closed centre. It can develop into a hurricane and common in the caribbean.
Name the three types of scales linear, ratio and statement
What are isobars? connect places of the same presure
Name the two types of measurements. Straight line and curved line
What are contours? Lines drawn on map joining places of equal height above sea level
What is contour interval? The Difference in Height
What is immigration? Inward movement of people from one country to another
What is Emigration? Outward movement of people from one country to another
What is migration? Movement of people from one place to another for a long period of time
What is a hurricane? Closed circulation system storm where the NE trades and SE trades meet.
Created by: jhordana
Popular Geography sets




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