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Science Vocab

astronomy the study of the moon, stars, and other objects in space
axis the imaginary line that passes through the center of Earth
rotation the spinning of Earth on its axis
revolution the movement of one object around another
orbit the revolution of a planet around a bigger object
calendar a system of organizing time that defines the beginning, length, and divisions of a year
solstice when the sun is farthest north or south of the equator
equinox "equal night"
force a push or pull
gravity attracts all objects towards each other
law of universal gravitation every object in the universe attracts every other object
mass the amount of matter in an object
weight the force of gravity on an object
inertia the tendency of an object to resist a change in motion
newton's first law of motion an object in motion will stay in motion, and an object at rest will stay at rest
phases the different shapes of the moon you see from Earth
eclipse when an object comes in between the sun and another object and casts a shadow
solar eclipse when a new moon blocks the view of the sun
umbra the darkest part of the shadow
penumbra larger, less dark part of the shadow
lunar eclipse occurs during a full moon when Earth is directly between the moon and the sun
tide the rise and fall of ocean water
spring tide a tide with the greatest difference between high and low tide
neap tide a tide with a difference of little to no difference between high and low tide
telescope a device built to observe distant objects by making them appear closer
maria hardened rock formed from huge lava flows
craters caused by the impact of meteoroids
meteoroids chunks of rock or dust from space
rocket a device that expels gas in one direction to move the opposite direction
thrust the reaction force that propels a rocket forward
velocity speed in a given direction
orbital velocity the velocity a rocket must achieve to establish an orbit around Earth
escape velocity the velocity a rocket must reach to fly beyond the planet's gravitational pull
satellite an object that revolves around another object in space
space shuttle a spacecraft that can carry a crew into space, back to Earth, and be reused again
space station a large artificial satellite on which people can live and work for long periods
space probe a space craft that carries scientific instruments that can collect data, no human crew
rover small robots that move around on the surface of a planet
vacuum a place that is empty of all matter
microgravity a feeling of weightlessness
space spinoff items made for space that have uses on Earth
remote sensing the collection of information about Earth and other objects in space without direct contact
geosynchronous orbit a satellite orbiting Earth at the same speed Earth is rotating
wave the movement of energy through a body of water
wavelength the horizontal distance between crests
frequency that number of waves that pass a point in a certain amount of time
wave height the vertical distance from the crest to the trough
tsunami a huge wave formed by an earthquake underwater
longshore drift the movement of sand along a beach
rip current a rush of water that goes out to sea through a small opening
groin an outward extension from a beach that stops the effect of longshore drift
current a large stream of moving water that flows through oceans
coriolis effect the effect of Earth's rotation on the direction of winds
climate the pattern of temperature and precipitation typical of an area over a long period of time
el nino an abnormal climate event that occurs every 2-7 years in the Pacific Ocean
upwelling the movement of cold water upward from the deep ocean
sonar a system that sends sound waves to the ocean floor and times how long it takes for them to return
continental shelf a gently sloping , shallow area of the ocean floor that extends out from a continent
continental slope the steep edge of the continental shelf
abyssal plain the smooth, nearly flat area of the ocean floor
mid-ocean ridge a continuous mountain range that winds around Earth
trench an underwater canyon
plate pieces of Earth's crust along with parts of the upper mantle
seafloor spreading magma hardens along the mid-ocean ridge and adds a new strip of rock to the ocean floor
intertidal zone begins at the highest high tide point and ends at the lowest low tide point exposed by the continental shelf
neritic zone extends from low tide line to the edge of the continental shelf
open-ocean zone from the edge of the continental shelf and beyond
plankton tiny algae and animals that float in the water and are carried by waves and currents
nekton free-swimming animals that can move throughout the water column
benthos organisms that inhabit the ocean floor
food web all of the feeding relationships that exist in a habitat
estuary coastal inlets or bays where fresh water rivers mix with salty ocean water that forms brackish water
Created by: mgallo7
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