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Introverts Imaginative and look inward, more timid and to themselves, gets energy from being with themselves
Extroverts Active, self expressive and gain interaction with other people
Ego Reason and good sense
Id Basic drives
Defense mechanisms Methods the ego uses to avoid recognizing ideas/emotions causing personal anxiety
Repression Removing anxiety from conscious to unconscious
Projection Projecting your faults in other people
Rationalization To make good out of a situation
Displacement Take anger out of an object less intimidating
Regression Returning to an earlier stage of development to deal with stress
Reaction formation: Act the opposite of how to feel to keep your true feelings hidden
Sublimation Channel basic impulses into socially acceptable behavior Ex: good student being agressive during football
Collective unconscious Store of human concepts shared by all people across cultures made of archetypes (Jung)
Archetypes Ideas and images of the accumulated experience in all humans (jung)
Inferiority complex Belief that people are motivated by a need to overcome inferiority, feelings of inadequacy, and insecurity (Adler)
Socialization Process where people learn the socially desirable behaviors of their particular cultures and adapt them as their own personalities (skinner)
Self concept View of one self as n individual (Rogers), key to happiness and healthy adjustment
Congruence Consistency between one self concept and ones experience, how you perceive yourself and how you reall are (Rogers)
Acculturation Process of adapting to a new culture
First 3 Personalities 1. Openness vs. closed: open to try new things, considers new ideas 2. Conscientiousness vs. carelessness: reliable, thorough, responsible 3. Extroversion vs. introversion: gets energized from interaction with other people
Other 2 personalities 4. Agreeable vs. disagreeable: east going, sees people's strengths 5. Neuroticism vs. emotional stability: unstable and has a difficulty controlling emotion
Personality Result of inner unconscious conflict between drives (psychoanalytic approach)
3 parts of the mind I'd, ego, superego
Psychosexual development 1. Oral: pleasure through your mouth 2. Anal: pleasure controlling bladder/bowel movement 3. Phallic: desire for the opposite sex parent 4. Latent: sexual termoil (confusion) 5. Genial: adolescence sexual maturity (Freud)
Fixation Something that's not really right, affected from birth (Freud)
Anal retentive Have perfectionist personalities
Anal expulsive Messy unreliable personalities
Suppression Push painful events out of conscious
Acculturation Process of adapting to a new or different culture (sociocultural)
Pattern of acculturation 1. Complete assimilation: taking anew culture 2. Maintains separation: retain original customs, never totally comfortable 3. Biculturalism: successfully integrating both sets
Self actualization Reaching for your potential, search for self atuslization motivates us and determines personality (human approach) , discovering genuine feelings and acting upon them
Self theory People constantly shape their personalities (Rogers)
Behaviorism/ sternly forces Shape behavior/ personality, environment shapes us through reinforcement, we aren't free because society shaped our goals/ desires (learning approach) (Skinner)
Social learning Behavior or personality is based on observational learning and internal factors - interpretation of what you learn influenced by skills, values, goals (learning approach)
Self efficiency Beliefs about your own abilities
Learning approach Behavior is personality, personality is learned, don't fully explain differences in personality
Freud Id, super ego, ego, in the unconscious, psychosexual stages, defines mechanisms, personalities formed at 5
Horney Womb envy where men are jealous of women, basic anxiety that disturbs or security during childhood
Erikson Development based on social relationships, identity vs. role confusion, 8 stages of psychosocial development
Adler Basic complex= inferiority, people should have feeling of frailty and incompetence, have to develop style of life, people motivated by fictional finalisms, birth order influenced personality
Jung Collective unconscious, archetypes, individuation, extroversion, introversion, why people operated
Fictional finalisms Importance of a persons past (Adler)
Individuation Stabilizing of personality (Jung)
Created by: bharris1
Popular Science sets




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