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MZYH 100 phrases B5

父母親 (fù mǔ qīn) parents
並且 (bìng qiě) and, besides, moreover, furthermore, in addition
西班牙 (xī bān yá) Spain
夠了 (gòu le) sufficient, enough
成語 (chéng yǔ) idiom
不論 (bú lùn) no matter (what, who, how, etc.), whether, or, regardless of
將來 (jiāng lái) in the future
發展 (fā zhǎn) development, growth, to develop, to grow, to expand
容易 (róng yì) easy
電影 (diàn yǐng) movie
可惜 (kě xī) unfortunately, of pity, to be a pity
注意 (zhù yì) to pay attention
三言兩語 (cān yán liǎng yǔ) just a few words
整理 (zhěng lǐ) to put in order
報告 (bào gào) to report, make known
近視眼 (jìn shì yǎn) nearsightedness
因此 (yīn cǐ) that is why, for that reason, therefore, for this reason
任何 (rèn hé) any, whatever, whichever, whatsoever
實習 (shí xí) to intern
肯定 (kěn dìng) definitely
故鄉 (gù xiāng) hometown
萬聖節 (wàn shèng jié) Halloween
校園 (xiào yuán) campus
內容 (nèi róng) content
服裝 (fú zhuāng) clothes, costume
嚇一跳 (xià yí tiào) to have a good fright
年紀 (nián jì) age
應該 (yīng gāi) should
床單 (chuáng dān) bed sheet
主要 (zhǔ yào) main, principal, major, primary
破布 (pò bù) rags
教室 (jiào shì) classroom
詩人 (shī rén) poet
時鐘 (shí zhōng) clock
背後 (bèi ​hòu) behind, back
低頭 (dī tóu) to lower one's head
地圖 (dì tú) map
難題 (nán tí) difficult problem, sticker, poser
採花 (cǎi huā) pick flower
認識 (rèn shi) to be acquainted with, to recognize
希望 (xī wàng) to wish for, to desire, to hope
禮券 (lǐ quàn) gift certificate
準備 (zhǔn bèi) to prepare
第五冊 ㄉㄧˋ ㄨˇ ㄘㄜˋ
獎品 (jiǎng pǐn) award, prize
超級 (chāo jí) super
造句 (zào jù) make a sentence
幫忙 (bāng máng) to help
順便 (shùn biàn) conveniently, in passing, without much extra effort
工作 (gōng zuò) work, to work
公司 (gōng sī) company
小吃部 (xiǎo chī bù) snack-bar
剛才 (gāng cái) just now
炒飯 (chǎo fàn) fried rice
零食 (líng shí) snack
健康 (jiàn kāng) health, healthy
乾麵 (gān miàn) dry noodle
付錢 (fù qián) to pay money
管理 (guǎn lǐ) to supervise, to manage, to administer, management, administration
水果類 (shuǐ guǒ lèi) fruit category
辦法 (bàn fǎ) method
歡迎 (huān yíng) welcome
參加 (cān jiā) to participate, to join
深淺 (shēn qiǎn) depth, relative difficulty or ease
受傷 (shòu shāng) to get injured, wounded, hurt
決定 (jué dìng) to decide
專心 (zhuān xīn) to be absorbed in, to concentrate on
投球 (tóu qiú) pitching, throwing a ball
排隊 (pái duì) to line up
運動營 (yùn dòng yíng) sports camp
政府 (zhèng fǔ) government
勇敢 (yǒng gǎn) brave
打仗 (dǎ zhàng) to fight a battle, to go to war
退休 (tuì xiū) retirement
接受 (jiē shòu) to accept, to receive
器官 (qì guān) organ, apparatus
總共 (zǒng gòng) total amount
幸福 (xìng fú) blessed, happiness, happy
雖然 (suī rán) although
華人 (huá rén) Oversea Chinese
讓給 (ràng gěi) to concede, to let someone, to make way
參觀 (cān guān) visit, look around
歷史 (lì shǐ) history
博物館 (bó wù guǎn) museum
科學 (kē xué) science, scientific
保護 (bǎo hù) protect
祖先 (zǔ xiān) ancestors
移民 (yí mín) to migrate, an immigrant
留學生 (liú xué shēng) foreign student, overseas student
力量 (lì liàng) strength, force
選票 (xuǎn piào) ballot
表演 (biǎo yǎn) performance, to perform
趕快 (gǎn kuài) right away, quickly, hurriedly
理由 (lǐ yóu) reason, ground, justification
輪流 (lún liú) by turns, in turn
慢跑 (màn pǎo) to jog, jogging
需要 (xū yào) to need
進步 (jìn bù) to improve
改過 change
表情 (biǎo qíng) facial expression, express one's feelings
Created by: chinesefan
Popular Chinese sets




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