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scit 1408


where is the thymus gland located posterior to the sternum between the lungs
which of the following is not produced by the thyriod gland thymosin
the muscular wall of the uterus is called the myometrim
During thyriodectomy which nerves must be preserved recurrent laryngeal nerves
fertilized egg (ova) is called zygote
the pituitary hormone that regulates the activity of the thyroid gland tsh
the production and elimination of urine includes the organs of the urinary system in the order of kidney, ureter, bladder, urethra
the narrow lower portion of the uterus is called the cervix
urine only passes down through the ureters by gravity but is also forced down by peristalsis
the principal part of the kidney are medulla, cortex renal pelvis
pulmonary edema abnormal accumulation of fluid in the alveoli
what makes the upper respiratory tract nose, pharynx, larynx
the hairlike projection on the cells lining of the rrespratory system is called cillia
the secretion produced by the membrane lining of the rspiratory tract is called mucus
the space between the lungs is known as the mediasinum
to prevwnt overextension of the lungs hering breur reflex
when do cells involved in the immune system develop bone marrow
what is agammaglobulinemia a person born without the ability to produce antibodies and have no gammaglobulin in the thrie blood
what year was HIV virus solated 1983
What is the fingerlike tube of the lymphatic tissue measuring approximately 8cm long attached to the first portion of the large intestines appendix
what is the bodys largest granular organ liver
what is an antibody a substance in responce to an antigen
What is a word that mean kidney nephr/o ren/o
which vale is the opening to the left ventricle mitral
where is the av node located in the septum between the 2 atria
normal ph of blood 7.4
ptca stands for percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty
what type of anemia is lack of rbs aplastic
The structure that anchors the developing fetus ans acts as a bridge between the mother and baby placenta
an acess of rbc os known as polycythemia
what is the first chamber of the heart that recieves blood high in oxygen content as it returns from the lungs left atrium
what valve sits between the left atrium and the left ventricle mitral
one of the most useful and frequently performed clinical blood test is the cbc
where does the blood go after being pumped out of the right ventricle pulmonary artery
How many chambers does the heart have 4
what machine can be used in surgery to salvage the patients blood to be later given back to the patient cell saver machine
if part of a clot dislodges and circulates through the bloodstream the dislodged part is an embolis
How many lobes are there to pituitary gland 2
menstruation, pregnancy and labor are all functions of the uterus
How many parathyroid glands are located near the thyroid gland 4
while doing a parathyroidectomy which parathyroid gland is identified first inferior
sperm production is called spermatogenesis
the large fold of visceral peritoneum hangs down from the greater curvature of the stomach and is shaped like a apron greater omentum
this triangular shaped gland sits on top of each kidney and secretes hormones due to stress adrenal gland
the innermost layer of the gi tract and comes in contact with chymes mucosa
the uteral orifrice is the opening of the uterus into the bladder
what portion or the intestine is responsible for reabsorbing water content forming and eliminating stool large intestines
second largest organ liver
The production and elimination of urine includes the organs of the urinary system in the order kidney, ureter, bladder, and urethra
where does the blood go after being pumped out of the right ventricle pulmonary artery
which of the following is a function of the lymphatic system absorption of digested fats
Where is the SA node located in the upper wall of the right atrium
What vessel will bring a drop of deoxygenated blood from the head back into the heart super vena cava
another name for platelets thrombocytes
where is the blood going when it gets to the pulmonary veins to the left atrium
device used for diagnosis of deep vein thrombosis phleborheography
the injection of contrast solutions through specialized catheters to outline the vascular system under x-ray angiography
instrument for determining and registering variations in the amount of blood flowing through extremity plethsmography
what is the exision of the thickened atheromatous tunica intima of an artery endarterectomy
the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the alveoli and blood in the lung is called external respiration
the function of the epiglottis is to anchor the vocal cords, keep food from entering the trachea
all of the following are paranasal sinuses (except) mandidular sinus, frontal, maxillary, sphenoid and ethmoid
the lower respiratory tract includes all of the following (except) pharynx, larynx, epiglottis, trachea, bronchi
what is the first part of the large intestines called cecum
what part of the intestines will you find the vermiform appendix cecum
what is the thin shiny serous membrane that lines the abdominopelvic cavity and folds back to cover most of the organs contained within the cavity peritoneum
the tightly cioled tube that lies along the top side of the testes is the epididymus
which chamber of the heart is considered the workhorse of the heart left ventricle
What is the name of the tissue joining the two lobes of the thyroid gland called isthmus
what tube leads from the kidneys to the bladder ureters
where are the kidneys located retoperitoneal space
where is the pineal gland located between the cerebral hemispheres attached by a stalk to the roof of the third ventricle
which of the following statements is not true of erythrocytes they have granules in their cytoplasm
which of the following WBC's directly attacks irrants that cause allergies eosinophils
which of the WBC's help to form antibodies at a site of inflamation, protects aginst cancer lymphocytes
which of the WBC's secrete heperin basophils
three principal part of the kidney's are medulla, cortex, renal pelvis
what makes the upper respiratory tract nose, pharynx, larynx
which one is not a function of the lymph nodes carries the cellular constituents of blood through the circulatory system
macrophages are phagocytes that develope from monophils
all of the following are functions of the kidneys except regulate the number of white blood cells
which one is not an organ of the urinary system abdominal aorta
average number of tidal volume 500ml
what is used to prevent aspiration by a patient undergoing general anesthesia sellicks maneuver
where is the tricuspid valve located between the right atrium and the right ventricle
what os the first step in the formation of a otheroma an injury to the endothelial lining or arterial wall
i am also called hydrocortisone, i help metablize glucose cortisol
the fallopian tubes are held in place by the broad ligament
The innerlayer of the kidney medulla
what valve is the exit valve for the left ventricle aortic valve
the concave opening on the medial side of each kidney for blood vessels to enter is called the hilium
the end of the duodenum and begining of the jejunum is marked by the ligament of treitz
The isles of lagerhans are usually found where tail of the pancreas
when the stomach is empty the lining forms many folds called rugae
what portion of the intestines does not digest food large intestines
what is the largest part of the digestive tract small intestines
what is the tissue that forms the posterior part of the oral cavity soft palate
where is the respitory control center located medulla
adams apple thyroid cartliage
the trachea divides into the private branches of the carina
what is the largest artery in the body aorta
when an aorta bificurcates in the abdominal cavity what is aorta called in thei area illiac arteries
what arteries form the posterior surface of the aorta, save the spinal cord and its mennings lumbar
what vessels are designed to transport blood back to the heart veins
where are the lympnodes located in the armpits axillary nodes
microscopic vessels designed to exchange nutrients and waste between blood and tissue around the cells in specialized areas capillaries
where are the intercostal muscles located between the ribs
where is the thymus gland located posterior to the sternum between the lungs
where does the inferior and superior dump into right atrium
what is the thin smooth layer of epithelial cells that line the hearts interior endocardium
this is a similiquid mixture of gastric juice and food that leaves the stomach to enter the small intestines chyme
what two bones make up the nasal septum vomer and ethmoid
a large system of blood vessels that arterial blood is pumped by the heart through arteries
which of the following is not a function of the spleen absorption of digested fats
the thickest of the three layers of the arterial wall tunica media
narrowing of the lumen of a blood vessel is called vasoconstriction
what portion of the intestines is responsible for reabsorbing water content and forming and eliminating stool large intestines
the ureteral orifice is the opening of the uterus into the bladder
first part of the small intestines duodenum
this large fold of visceral peritoneum hangs down from the greater curvature of the stomach and is shaped like a apron greater omentum
How many parathyroid glands are located near the thyroid gland 4
what is the first chamber of the heart that recieves blood high in oxygen as it returns to the lungs left atrium
which one is the natural electrical pacemaker of the heary SA node
Created by: winnette1
Popular Science sets




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