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basic drug therapy f

drug therapy final

agonist drugs that interact with a receptor to stimulate a predicable response
agranulocytosis abnormal condition of the blood causing severe reduction of the number of granulocytes.
carinogenicity effects of drugs or substances that cause the increase of cancer
displacement one drug takes the place of another drug increasing the activity of the 1st.
leukocytosis excess of white blood cells
nephrotoxicity drug or substance has destructive effect on kidney
passive diffusion movement from higher to lower across a membrane
pharmacology the study of drugs and their interactions in living organisms
distribuiton the transport of drug molecules through the body
protein binding the reaction of a drug with albumin that allows the albumin to release part of the drug dosage and store the other part.
thrombocytopenia abnormal hematologic condition which there are decreased # of platelets
tolerence increasing resistance to the usual effects of an established dosage of a drug as a result of continued use
adverse reactions an action that is different than the planned effect
depression decrease in activity of cells caused by the action of a drug
idiosyncratic abnormal or unusual action of a drug when it is 1st administered, particular to the individual
prophylactic an agent or measure used to prevent disease
therapeutic positive change or desired effect caused by a drug
anaphylaxis an extreme hypersensitivity to a drug and is an emergency situation
generic name the name of a drug that is related to the chemical or official name and is independent of the manufacturer
serum albumin protein in the blood
infant absorption weight is most significantover age. Topical absorption is faster than adult
narcotic administration (blank)
Schedule 1 drug high potential for abuse, illegal
schedule 2 drug high potential for abuse, may lead to severe dependence
schedule 3 may lead to moderate or low dependence
schedule 4 low potential for abuse
category A no risk to fetus in first trimester has been shown
category B no risk has been seen in animals, there is insufficient data regarding pregnant women
Category C adverse effects have been seen in animals but insufficient data in pregnant women
category D human fetal risk has been demonstrated
Category X human fetal risk is clearly documented
interference one drug inhibits the metabolism or exretion of another drug
demulence any of several oily substances used to soothe a body part or decrease inflamation
onset time it takes a drug to elicit a therapeutic response
duration time the drug concentration is sufficient to elicit a therapeutic response
peak time it takes a drug to reach its maximum therapeutic response
FDA food drug administration
poly-pharmacy the use of many different drugs in treating a patient who may have one or several health problems
stat give one time, immediately
prn give as necessary
now give now
asap as soon as possible
supplemental therapy gives the body a substance needed to maintain normal function
incompatibility 2 drugs that when used together cause deterioration of one drug or a drug interaction.
antagonist opposing actions of drugs
biotransformation metabolism
chemical mediators powerful substances liberated during the inflammatory process
leukopenia lack of white blood cells
pallative care of comfort
pharmacodynamics the way the drug works in the tissue at the cell level
pharmacokinetics absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion
absorption process that occurs between the time a drug enters the body and the time it enters the blood stream
excretion the elimination of a drug from the body
teratogenicity result in structural defects in unborn fetus
synergist the combined effect of two drugs is greater than each drug taken alone.
maintenance dose dose needed to achieve therapuetic level
untoward effects (blank)
potentiate an effect that occurs when a drug increases or prolongs the action of another drug
facilitated diffusion drug molecules are combined with a carrier substance to move across membranes
controlled substance drugs regulated for distribution and catergorized by therapeutic usefulness and potential for abuse
cumulative effects when drugs are not excreted from the body as new drugs are absorbed
half-life the time required for the serum concentration of a drug to decrease by 50%
brand name same as trade name, has the registered trade mark. registered by the manufacturer
trade name the name designated and patented by the manufacturer
nursing processs R/T drug admin. record, report and monitor
efficacy effectiveness of a drug, drugs ability to produce a desired chemical change in the body
admin schedules (blank)
negligence conduct that falls below the established standard of care
malpractice professional misconduct and lack of skill in the performace of a duty or task
maintenance therapy (blank)
dependence a psychological or physilogical need for a drug
percutaneous topical, sublingual, inhale
parenteral IV (the fastest route) IM, SQ
enteral oral (slowest route) nasogastic-,j-tube
single administer at a certain time, only once
hypersensitivity/allergic reaction occurs having been previously exposed to a drug
Created by: dressshop
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