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Enviro Unit Vocab


风波 fēngbō crisis
恍然 huǎngrán suddenly
空气颗粒物 kōngqìkēlìwù air particle matter
警醒 jǐngxǐng to be alert
治理 zhìlǐ to govern/control
大气污染 dàqìwūrǎn atmospheric pollution
润喉药 rùnhóuyào throat medicine
全勤 quánqín full time attendance at work
熏黑 xūnhēi blackened
香港 Xiānggǎng Hong Kong
珠三角 Zhū sānjiǎo Pearl River Delta
内地 Nèidì Mainland
被迫搬迁 Bèi pò bānqiān Forced to relocate
广东 guǎngdōng Guangdong
汽车排放标准的法律 Qìchē páifàng biāozhǔn dì fǎlǜ Auto Emission Standard Laws
海洋酸化 Hai Yang Suan Hua Ocean Acidification
加剧 Jia Ju Exacerbating, complicating,
全球表暖 Quan Qiu Biao Nuan Global Warming
危险 Wei Xian Dangerous
酸性 Suan Qing Acidic
二氧化碳 Er Yang Hua Tan Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
贝类 Bei Lei Shellfish
哺乳动物 Bu Ru Dong Wu Mammal
灭绝 Mie Jue Extinct
普吉特海湾 Pu Ji Te Hai Wan Puget Sound
经济 Jing Ji Economic
藻类遮挡阳光 Zhēdǎng yángguāng Block sunlight
钙化 Gàihuà Calcification
倾倒毒素 qing dao du su- dumping toxins
芬兰 Fēn​ lán​ Finland
shǐ​ To begin/ to start
咳嗽 ké ​sou​ Cough
症状 zhèng​ zhuàng Symptom (of an illness)
遥远 yáo ​yuǎn distant / remote
究竟 jiū ​jìng​ actually / outcome / result
污染 wū​ rǎn pollution / contamination
影响 yǐng ​xiǎng an influence / an effect
追踪 zhuī​ zōng​ to trace / to pursue
队列 duì ​liè formation
研究 yán​ jiū to study / research
手段 shǒu ​duàn​ method
xū​ to require / to need
资金 zī​ jīn funds / funding / capital
普通 pǔ​ tōng common / ordinary
shòu​ to receive / to accept
引起 Yǐnqǐ Cause
如此硬伤 Rúcǐ yìng shāng How could this have possibly happened?
扔掉 Rēng diào Throw away
批判 Pīpàn Criticism
牺牲 Xīshēng Sacrifice
了触目惊心 Liao chùmùjīngxīn Tourism at the expense of the environment
抢先入 Qiǎngxiān rù Preemptive
素质提出 Sùzhì tíchū To call into question one's character
质疑 Zhíyí Question
倡议 Chàngyì Initiative
危害 wēihài to harm or endanger
Created by: johanhow2
Popular Chinese sets




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