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CH Staple Foods

names of common staple foods in chinese

三明治 sānmíngzhì sandwich
米饭 mǐfàn rice
zhōu/yù congee
tāng soup
饺子 jiǎozi dumpling
面条 miàntiáo noodle
比萨饼 bǐsà bǐng pizza
方便面 fāngbiàn miàn instant noodle
香肠 xiāngcháng sausage
面包 miànbāo bread
黄油 huángyóu butter
饼干 bǐnggān cookies
咸菜 xián cài pickle
馒头 mántou steamed bread
蛋糕 dàngāo cake
汉堡 hànbǎo hamburger
火腿 huǒtuǐ ham
奶酪 nǎilào cheese
馄饨皮 hún tún pí wonton skin
高筋面粉 gāo jīn miànfěn Strong flour
小麦 xiǎomài wheat
大麦 dàmài barley
青稞 qīngkē highland barley
高粱 gāo liáng broomcorn kaoliang
春卷 chūnjuǎn Spring rolls
芋头 yù tóu Taro
山药 shān yào yam
鱼翅 yú chì shark fin
松花蛋 sōng huā dàn preserved eggs
春卷 chūnjuǎn spring roll
肉馅饼 ròu xiànbǐng minced pie
糙米 cāo mǐ Brown rice
玉米 yùmǐ corn
馅儿 xiànr stuffing
开胃菜 kāi wèi cài appetizer
面粉 miànfěn flour
燕麦 yànmài oat
白薯 báishǔ sweet potato
里脊肉 lǐ jǐ ròu steak
牛排 niúpái fillet
凉粉 liáng fěn bean jelly
糯米 nuò mǐ sticky rice
燕窝 yānwō bird's nest
sù Chinese corn
肉丸子 ròuwánzi meat balls
枳橙 zhǐ chéng citrange
点心 diǎnxin dim sum
淀粉 diànfěn starch
蛋挞 dàn tà egg tart
Created by: sharrisson13
Popular Chinese sets




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